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All My Healing....Thrown Out The Window! I Only Have Me to Thank

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That exactly how I feel after yesterday.


I have been ignoring my ex contacts for over a month, until last week when I sent him a short "hope all is well" type text. He responded jokingly that i don't like returning text or calls. I told him I had been really busy, after he told me he broke up with this chick he had been dating for 2 months claiming she was "psycho" then asked me out to dinner. I told him I couldn't because I had plans to go out of town but maybe some other time. He seem like he was ok with that. He ended over "texted" conversation telling me "Goodnight"..."ttyl" and told me he was out at the club with his brother and cousin.


Fast forward to yesterday...I sent him a "Merry Christmas to You and Your Family" text thinking it was cool because we are somewhat on speaking terms. He responded an hour later with "Thanks. You too".




I know some of you may say "well at least he responded" and I should be grateful, but the response seemed so cold and empty to me. So in my usual fashion my mind starts to wonder, then the tears came. Ruining the rest of my Christmas.


Now I’m sitting here with a series of questions and scenarios going through my head "how can you go from asking me out to dinner to half-a**ed response to my holiday text??" or "Maybe he is kinda salty about me turning down his invite??" or "Just maybe he went back with his "psycho" date?"


I know you guys are at me but this has set me back quite a bit, and I’m more so mad at myself because ONCE AGAIN I’ve messed up.


I'm I reading too much into this?? What could I have done better??

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Noone is at you ...lol You know why?


Coz sooo many of us have been in the exact same position you are now in....Totally normal*


You couldnt have done anything better...You did what you felt you should do, and good on you for that...


But now you know that everytime you DO do that, you have to reset the healing process all over again....


This can go on for as long as you let it, but eventually you get to a place where, well, you just dont do it anymore...


Sending You Strength for this difficult time of the year*

K2* 8)

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