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Frustration and guilt. (Vent)


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This is more of a vent than a seeking advice post.


I am incredibly frustrated with my family. I post a little while ago about how they are refusing to let me make a two day drive by myself even though I am 24 and have been living away from home for a good 5 years. Since coming home for the holidays my frustration is growing. It’s gotten to the point where I am spending most of my time in my old room rather than spending time with my family.


I really feel my family is not listening to me on a number of key issues, I feel disrespected and that they do not trust me. For example, with this whole driving situation, all they have said to me when I have tried to discuss it with them is, “You have no choice in this.” Then they wonder why I get very quiet and give short responses to anything they say!


Then they start talking about like I am not even in the room. Here is the conversation my sister and father had:


Sister: She is doing that thing where she get really quiet again. (referring to me)

Father: She is upset right now.

Sister: Why is she upset.

Father: Because this road trip to her represent her independence.


I was sitting right there the whole time! They couldn’t even wait until I left the room. I was to shocked to say anything and I was so frustrated that if I had said anything I probably would have burst into tears. I am trying very hard to not make a big scene over the holidays. If I try and assert myself my mother will get very upset which will cause my dad’s life to be a living hell.


On top of all of this I feel guilty for these feelings of frustration and anger. Other people have it way worse with their families. So I am angry, frustrated, and guilty all at the same time.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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it's the holidays, spend it with your family. Soon, you will have all kinds of opportunities to be independent and you will almost miss that stage of having your parents call the shots. This stage in your life will pass. It's almost Christmas. Talk to your family and make nice. Pouting becomes no one.

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