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He wont make a move... but how do I??

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Ok, my boyfriend and I have been going out for 2 and a half months. So far its been great except for one (or two i should say) minor detail. I've had to make all the first moves so far. Infact we didnt kiss until a month in, which i found completely insane. Now at 2 and half months in we havent made out yet. Once again he wont make his move.


Now, I'm 16, and to some you might not think of it this bad, but in my school and area, it is a big deal; I havent frenched a guy before. Since my boyfriend wont make a move I'm gunna have to do it... but i dont even know how to start! HELP!!

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Hey Undeadprincess - you should post this in the "Dating and Shy people" forum - not in the "infedility" forum - infedility means cheating.


In anycase, I think when you guys are alone, you should just grab him and kiss him. That simple. I think your guy would love that - I know I or any guy would just love that.


Ahhhh - young love. Enjoy!!

Kung fu

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Awwwwww this person is just in the wrong room. How ever I will reply.

I am 46 years old. I remember being 16 as if it was yesterday. Some times it feels like I still am. I do make mistakes even today. Smile! I have 4 sons. Ages 26,20,11 and 6 years old. I have 7 brothers. I think I know a wee bit about boy's and men.

Why is it that your boyfriend is not making any moves? Well for several reasons.

He could be:

1.His up bringing might have some strong moral tones to it. The old saying a preachers son is looser than a minors daughter is not always true.

2.He might be shy, and you might be his first every thing. I was married to one of those. He wasn't just shy. He knew nothing. I am not poking fun at him. Just being honest.

3.He has a low self esteem if he has any at all

4.He is a follower not a leader.

5.He just has no clue how to treat a girlfriend.

6.He might not want to be a dad at the age of 16

7.He preoccupied with other things

8.Does he have a stable home life? Are his parents fighting or divorced? Divorced parents don't realize the baggage their kids end up caring.

9.He could be gay

10.He just might not be interested and have another girlfriend.


When I was young sex was not a big deal until one turned 16. I actually never wanted to know any of this stuff until I turned 17. I must say I was not impressed at all when I did find this all out. It was not something I gave much thought to until I met a man I really cared about. Perhaps you might want to think about this. Do you care about him? Do you believe he cares about you? If your answers are yes. Perhaps he is the type who needs to get to know a girl really well before heavy petting and sex occurs. There are grown men who are like that as well. My final word on this is PATIENCE IS A VERTRUE.

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You could maybe bring up that you are shy and don't like making the first move in a conversation with him, then you could both admit to it. I find it easier almost humorous with my girlfriend when I make the first move because both her and I know its hard for me.

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