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I am the gay guy that wrote earlier. I went to Father Martin's Ashley in Havre de Grace, MD for the last 28 days in alcohol rehab and drank the very day I got out after completing the program. They did not seem to know how to deal with my issues regarding homosexuality. There really seems to be no hope.

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Hi D,

I had wondered what became of you Listen you should probably try looking for some counseling to help you deal with all the issues in your life. If one therapist doesn't offer what you need then find another. The bottle will only ease your pain for a little while, you need something more permanent.


I think you do have hope. You are here looking for it and that is a good sign. Never ever give up on yourself-you are a wonderful creation !


You better believe it

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I feel for you mate! I know what you're going through.


It took a near to death incident to open my eyes and realise that I had a problem. I decided right there and then that I was going to do my best at sorting out my drinking problem.


I had to search myself for the reasons as to why I used to drink myself silly every night of the week. I realised that I was lonely and that I was confused about my sexuality. These were probably the main factors that had to be dealt with.


Since trying to give up, I've slipped up a few times and have beat myself up about it, but found that it's not worth it. If I slip up now, I regret it the next day, but then try harder at staying away.


As I mentioned, you will need to search for the reasons as to why you are craving to get wasted. Once you've found those reasons, either speak to someone about them or try doing something about it.


I got myself involved with a youth group, made friends, met an incredible guy who is now my boyfriend. I told people that I had a problem... not everyone, just people I knew would support me. I also joined the AA.


I now have the occasional drink and feel that I've overcome my cravings. I've still got to be careful though, it's easy to get carried away. That's where my friends would help me.


I believe that every person with a problem (no matter what type) is able to conquer it. If you recognise that you have a problem, you've taken the first step to healing yourself... next you need to search what's causing the problem and then deal with it.


I believe you can do it!


Good Luck!

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Hi Kevin


I've just spent some time reading your previous postings and would like to add a bit to what I wrote yesterday.


First of all... the drinking... I know that you will only be able to stop with this problem once you've made the conscious decision to stop. You're not going to get anywhere if you want to continue drinking.


Secondly... only you can change your situation... you have the power to make a change. You fall in love with straight guys who aren't going to offer you any satisfaction... ever! You're looking in the wrong places. If you're really serious about meeting someone genuine, then you'd be prepared to get involved with some or other gay group that allows you to meet up with a possible companion.


By you putting all your feelings into something shallow (like a friendship/relationship with a straight guy) you're bound to get yourself hurt and let down because you're failing each time they reject you... It's like investing money... If you invest in a market that keeps on loosing, why must you keep on 'investing' with that specific market. You need to change to something else that's going to earn you interest.


Remember that only you can make the change... I can talk and encourage you until I'm blue in the face, but unless you change your attitude, you're not going to get anywhere… Kevin, I believe in you, I know you can overcome. If, I, a total stranger can believe in you, why don't you start believing in yourself too.


As I mentioned in my previous posting... I know what you're going through. I've been where you are now and I genuinely feel for you. If I'm one guy who actually cares about how you feel and wants to help, how many other guys out there are prepared to do the same for you. You just need to look in other places and ways to meet guys that are searching for what you're looking for.


Kevin, I wish you the best of luck and trust that what I have said is able to help you in some way.


Good Luck.

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The people I care about have ditched me. They ditched me because they thought I could just "quit drinking". It wasn't really a matter of sex, but rather love. I loved them as an excellent friend and they ditched me. It hurts like hell, and I don't want to deal w/anymore pain, so I am just resorting to other means.


Contact him at and find out why he will not talk to me, because I can not find out.



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