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young teens and dating so early.

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i am 15. i just have been noticing how many people like 13 14 15 are going on dates. i havent been on a date. it seems like all you see on this site is my ex did this. this is my third ex that. and stuff like that. well wow that means your first ex was what when you were 13. just seem s like iam the only on who hasent had a date. my question is what do you think is the percentage for i guesss a 14 year to have had date. and stuff like that. im not losing slep on it. but i have noticed it lol thanks

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I agree that kids are dating younger and younger these days but at 15 you're definitely not alone in not dating. I didn't date until I got to college and I have a bunch of friends who are the same. And I am glad because I think my childhood was all the more fun and carefree because of it. There is plenty of time to date later on. I'm glad that I enjoyed myself during those years and did not complicate my life with relationships.

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I didn't date too until I got to college, and I'm glad about that. Yah, lady00 is right - things just get too complicated I think, and at such a young age, I think it is best that your self-esteem develops on its own, with you, your friends, and family: independent of a boyfriend/girlfriend. Its hard enough I think trying to develop a good self esteem in your teen years with all television and media telling you are not alright, but if you add in a possible break-up, well - that just doesn't help any.


So, good for you wing wha. Sorry I couldn't provide you with a stat.


Take care.

Kung fu

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Ok, so I remember all these kids when I was 12 or 13 who were "going out" with one another for like a day during lunch and then "broke up." What a joke! That's not dating, and if it is, be glad you aren't doing it. I got my first boyfriend at 15. All my friends said I was a late bloomer becasue hey had had "like 10 boyfriends." But what were these relationships made of? Fluff. My advice is, if you are crushing on a boy, doodle his name a bit, dream about him at night, and you are probably in as serious and committed a relationship not even TALKING to him as those so-called couples around you. My first few "boyfriends" were flops, but that's the way it's supposed to be, eh? Everyone said I was a late bloomer, so I dated my first boyfriend just to prove I wasn't weird, although we had nothing in common. My valuable, meaningful, real relationships came much later on, and that's ok. When you get older, people don't even count those first few playground flings. Trust me. So by that time, it won't matter. My best friend didn't have her first boyfriend until she was 18, and she is the first of us to be married, so some people are slower in some areas, faster in others. Just let it happen naturally; you aren't alone. It's also entirely possible that many of your peers are making up relationships that never existed just to fit in. Be the first of your friends with integrity and guts and admit that you are a proud single chica!

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Ok let me just say Im 19 and never had a first date. For different reasons, my views were basically "didnt have to date until time came to pop the cherry". then I was 17 and chose somebody special to do the job and then didnt want to see him again.

Now, 2 years into the game, I miss innocense. peace.

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hey i totally feel you. i mean im 16 now and i started going out with my current bf when i was 15. i waited for a long time for someone i relaly liked and cared about and its lasting. although i dont believe that age really defines a relationship, generally speaking, most relationships during this time are really not relationships. although you never forget them, and they do have some impact on you, these little crushes shouldn't be considered RELATIONSHIPS. im very happy that i waited. and i was in love before, so again, age doesn't define everything, but i have to admit ive always been very mature. with my friends, they call me the mother, so im a little unique in that sense. but ya, i totally hate how people say they're in love and then two weeks later they deny it. its like they cannot even respect themselves. like by the time these people are 18 theyll probably have sexually transmitted diseases. kissing and sexual activity is becoming so normal...its scary, and people keep switching partners. i think age isnt what should be looked at, its the people inside, but generally, the person inside a 12 year old isnt ready for a RELATIONSHIP in most cases.

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Teens will always try to pretend to be older than they are -- that is our nature. It is natural to want to be liked. The problem is when society blurs the lines of what is appropriate for what age. So when dating becomes into a sex game at the age of 12, 13, 14, this is disturbing.


Dating alone as a form of getting to know the other sex is OK as long as you have a clear idea of what you want. The problem is when the other side starts pushing you into something you are not comfortable with.


I am 20, a virgin and proud to be. I have been on dates but to be honest I was not that impressed and I am not in a hurry.


You are 15, now is the time to enjoy being a teen, this magical age between a kid and an adult. You will have the rest of your life to date.

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