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He was just being friendly?

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So I finally saw that guy I hadn't talked to for a few months in the breakroom the other day. He was sent up to pick up some boxes in there. When he came in right away he started looking under the table, so I started to look under the table. And he just started talking to me about how he had to pick up the box (which was under the table) and of course it was the heaviest one or something like that.


Then he made a big show of it carrying the box out--making unnecessary sounds to be funny I guess? Then this other girl in there (who is in her 20s and they work in the same department) said to him, "Move those muscles". Then I said jokingly, "Don't fall down the stairs". And he kinda looked at me and didn't say anything. Then a few minutes later he came back up again to pick up the second box. And then he said, "Oh at least this one is only half full. So it's not so bad". Then he made a big show of it again even though it wasn't that heavy. Then well going out he waved bye to this girl by the lockers.


So do you think he was just being friendly?

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He probably was just being friendly. But I can understand you wanting to know about these things... I sometimes find it frusrating how girls sometimes be so nice to you and the next time they hardly look at you. But I guess we're all guilty of this, both men and women...


I think there's a point betweem flirting/general friendliness and someone actually falling for you, I'd like to call it fate but your not going to know it until it hits you in the face, metaphorically speaking...


I hope this guy gives you clearer signals, if he does like you. Let me know how things go. I hope I helped

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Have to agree with Scout. In my opinion, which is a humble one at best, you know if someone likes you. May sound cliche, but there is something in 'the air' when you are attracted to someone and vice versa. I am not the best at explaining things but I hope you understand what i mean.

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Follow your intuitions... you said there was something in the air the first time you talked to him. Sometimes the tiniest signs can mean so much, and even if your logic keeps telling you "oh, it was nothing...." but you just know there was something about the way he looked at you, I say you listen to your intuitions. It's a weird sense that humans have that pays attention to the smallest, smallest details of body language and facial expressions. [/i]

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ask him out!? I can't even bring myself to say hi to him. I'm old-fashioned and I don't want to ask out my first boyfriend/date (that is if he even said yes and there was actually an opportunity to ask him since one of us is always working if the other is on break). If I start with anything it will be a hi.


I see this guy a few times a week. And seeing I mean I walk by him while he is working and I am going upstairs/going on break. And sometimes the other way around.


Maybe this is my imagination (even though I recently promised myself I would stop thinking about this...so much for that) but when we first talked a few months ago I noticed he would look at me while he walked by and then when I didn't see him for awhile (like a few weeks) he would walk by me or I would walk by him and he wouldn't even look at me at all. And now since we kinda talked again (the box thing) I've seen him looking at me again.

Lately as I walk by him while he is working, obviously he feels me looking at him so then he looks at me but he holds it. Though it is a natural reaction to look at someone you feel is looking at you...

And today as I walked by him his back was turned and he was being/doing something goofy and then I guess he noticed that I was looking at him so he turned around and then he continued to do the goofy thing facing me...I don't know...He is a weird guy usually (as my friend who works with him told me and as I can see).


Right now I still like him but it's not such a big deal anymore. If he likes me great, if he doesn't that is ok too.

Thanks for the replies.

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Another thing I just wanted to add...

Maybe he's shy about making the first move but there has been opportunites that he could have come and talked to me I feel if he wanted to. For instance, the main opportunity being: he sees me walk by him to go on my break so all he has to do is say he has to go the bathroom (which he easily could) and then he could go in the breakroom which are by the bathrooms. That is what I'm pretty sure another guy does to me because sometimes when I go on break this guy comes in a few min later to the washrooms (for like 2 seconds) and then he talks to me (I just like this guy as a friend though). Or maybe he's just never thought of doing that. I don't know.

If he likes me so much then he probably would do something more besides just looking/staring at me.

He has balls and I think he can use them if he really wanted to. If anything else happens I can post it if you guys want.



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