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emails from ex pls read and tell me whats up..

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in my last post i explained what was goin on with my ex..we fight in emails..we broke up cause she cant handle a relationship..she called me the other night crying..she left a message saying she cant tell me to move and she doesnt no what the future holds..here are these emails...


Timothy Filler, you are something else. I hate making you feel this way. It hurts so bad. I will be in Baltimore for the next two weeks. The next two weekends I will be in Sea Isle as well. I will never forget you as long as I live. You are so special to me.... "D"


You want an answer Tim. Move on. I can't make you wait until I am ready. I may never be. I think you are so incredibly perfect in so many ways. Ever word you speak to me gives me chills and sometimes makes me cry. Yes, I care about you and like I said before I probably always will but I am not ready for what you have to offfer me right now. I am a very unstable person right now, I don't know what I want. And very busy with work. We have different lives. You never know what the future holds for us but for now move on and just let me go. Thank you again for all you have done for me and for just being you.....


"D now it sounds to me like she wants to get back together..i am really fine with the break up i have moved on i am a great looking guy

i dont have a problem with women what so ever but i did like this girl..in that email..she says"but for now move on and let me go?????????????????????????? HELp

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Seems like she may be insecure.She doesn't seem to know what she wants right now and just give her space and see what happens in the future.She may have wrote the letter out of guilt because she had to get the words out to make herself feel better.Good Luck!!!

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I agree. Perhaps you might try contacting her in person. Emails and IM's can be soo masked and emotionless.. If she's or you are going to say goodbye, I always prefer to do it in person.. that way, alteast you both will have the closure you need to move on... I respect her for telling you she's not ready and to not wait for her.. Thats admirable by any means... She's telling you something, trying to say goodbye.. But wouldn't you rather hear it from her personally? Look her in the face? Atleast when you do it in person, there isn't a chance to read between the lines, persay.

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