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Can someone pls help me..

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Well a lot of my friends are now in serious relationships so I don't see them that often to go out with.


What I was wondering is how to go about making new friend? Has anybody on this site been in the same situation and how have you gone about doing it?


success stories pls


Oh, before you tell me to go out to a bar or club alone,I would not feel comfortable doing this.


thanxs for reading

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mmm. It isn't fair of your friends to ignore you just because they have relationships of their own. I'm afraid it is a valuable mistake they will learn from, ie that you will always need a friend, especially if things don't work out.


Anyway back to you. The only thing you can do is to join different activities, sports/drams/new classess...etc Here you will get the opportunity to meet new people. By being open and friendly, and showing interest in them, you will soon make friends. If there is a local bar/pub where you live and you are familiar to the locals, why don't you go down there yourself, you are bound to meet someone you know....maybe potential future friend.


good luck

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thanx phybrid and carter


the problem I have is that i don't feel confident in going to 'new' places on my own initially. As you say carter if I go down to my local,I would be bound to meet people in the that I know, but I would feel really uncomfortable walking in by myself.


I thereforeeee tend to avoid these situations and just stay in, which I know wont get me any new mates! I'm in a catch 22.

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