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What should i do?? I dont want to make the wrong decision


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Ex and i been broken up for a month now and were together almost 2 years. The first week or so was horrible but i havent cried in about a week and ive been keeping myself very busy with school and friends. After our break up, he started partying a lot and it just showed me that he's not mature because he knows that stuff would upset me. We broke up because of my trust issues but he said he'll do whatever it takes to make it work and for me to trust him again (like nonstop partying is really showing me that he wants to make things work)


Im guessing he got tired of partying because ever since ive been busy and stopped calling him, he started calling me and leaving me sad messages about how he loves me and wants me etc etc. I didnt pick up and i've kind of been talking to another guy (not rebound, but it keeps me busy and makes me not think of him)


Now for some reason today i decided to call him, i guess i wanted to see what he wanted to say. He told me he'd call me back and at the end of the convo he said he loves me (but i didnt say it back). Im hoping someone will give me good advice before he calls me back. I dont know what to do, should i even answer? I feel like ive been doing such a good job moving on and i just want to talk to him now because he's been calling me. I love him with all my heart but im pretty confident in my decision that i want to move on because i have such a hard time trusting him and getting back would put a strain on both of us once again.


My real question is what would you do? Cut all contact and fully move on? Continue to talk, maybe be friends?

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Pick the phone up and keep the conversation mature. You don't want to NOT take the call because you might regret it later if you don't get another opportunity. It doesn't hurt to see what he says or to see if you two can possibly work things out. Don't go spilling your guts though because it may set you back if you don't get the responses you're looking for. Be cautious, mature, and control your emotions. Be an adult when it comes to these problems. Don't sugar coat anything either.

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