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Has anyone degraded themselves so bad to there ex but still got them back?


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I don't think so...I did the same thing, i contact his bestfriend and sent pics, i told him about

my rebound, I umm sent him miss you text, miss you emails, wan tyou back emails, im over you

emails, wan tyou back again, hope you have a nice life emails, hope to reconcyle, my apt #..


what else?? btw, he won't give me his new #....its over and thats not fine with me, but its what it is..

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Delicious : Even though you went through the horrible pain, do you wish now that you didn't do those things ? And have you thought about whether those actions that you did were the very things that pushed him further away to the point of no reconciliation?

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I begged,cried,pleaded etc.I did everything to make myself look weak in her eyes and ended up putting out the flame (atttraction) she had for me.I even stayed 6 months in her country to try and win her back.18 months later all I got was a facebook invitation.I like to think that was the beginning of getting my self-respect back my dignity back.2 months after the invitation Im still waiting for her to make a more solid contact..maybe a "hi,how are ya".I too was guilty of giving her everything but would not give in to her childish ways and would not give my values as a person,and so there were many fights,little one's of course.but as soon as she broke it off I went down the deep end and lost myself,she is my first love.In a strange way Im glad it happened? just cause it taught me so much about myself and honestly if it werent her than it surely would have been with soem other girl.apologize for the rambling

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I have. I've done all the embarrassing things you can think of and more- begging, crying, multiple psychotic texts and emails that went unanswered, declarations of love, the whole nine. In return, he was needlessly MEAN and critical of me and made a mockery of what I was going through. He was in another relationship and it pushed him further away from me. I'm inclined to think that he even enjoyed my anguish and it made him more satisfied in his relationship. She dumped him and then he began talking to me again. At that point, I realized what kind of a person he was and felt completely disgusted about the idea of getting back with someone who treated me like DIRT when I was at my lowest and most vulnerable.


You don't want someone that you have to beg and grovel for. It will NOT feel good in the end. You will feel used, inadequate, and second best.

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deecbee,sorry to hear yo had to go through that,but as soon as he showed his true colors he got to see him for the person he truly was and that Im sure made it easier for you to move on a whole lot quicker.


I agree that if your SO truly loved you then it wouldn't really matter what you did,depending on what you do also.but time has a way of clouding the negatives,again depending what you did.my case I wouldn't know as she herself told me she is not so sure she ever wanted me as her BF.

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In return, he was needlessly MEAN and critical of me and made a mockery of what I was going through. He was in another relationship and it pushed him further away from me. I'm inclined to think that he even enjoyed my anguish and it made him more satisfied in his relationship. She dumped him and then he began talking to me again. At that point, I realized what kind of a person he was and felt completely disgusted about the idea of getting back with someone who treated me like DIRT when I was at my lowest and most vulnerable.


OT: Amen. I feel you. Right now. So much, actually. I do believe women have more of a mean streak to see their partner suffer when they show the behaviour you described, esp. if they have been hurt or betrayed.

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I email him at least twice a month letting him know updates and that I wish him well and want

to be friends. But no reply...he read some of them, they say read...but there is no replys back.

He hasn't updated his facebook...still has the old stuff but then again,, he may not know how to or

just doesn't care enough to,...it still shows he is with me and everything...I deleted him as a friend when

ever we first broke up and I don't knwo what it was I was trying to prove by doing that, i did it to his

family too..his grandma and his mom and sister..But now I am regretting ever doing that and I feel like

if he hadn't blocked me or deleted me, maybe I shouldn't of either...But I did and it is too late to reverse

unless I end up sending a friend request, but you know, that may scare him even further and all I want is

him in my life...he was one of my best friends.


I am pursueing the other guy now though and this other guy, i try my best not to compare to scott.

And its hard to not think about him, But I am trying my best to move on from him and want to be friends

with him still...The other guy I am pursueing is a lot more emotional then scott was and its a good thing

because we communicate on the same page where as scott would basically do all the talking, this other

guy ....Mike will let me talk to him and really listen, all scott did was talk at me kind of..like out communication

skills were not compatible and that is a big deal when you plan on marrying the kid one day...

So I am not even thinking about marriage with mike because we are infactuated and not quite

in love....Anyways..

everyone who read this , thank you...I just needed to show everyone, yeah its been 4 brutal months

but things do get easier...

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Well, 2 years ago I did all those things. I cried, I begged, I yelled, I said if we break up I will hate you, etc etc.....I quickly foced myself to try and move on. I talked to another girl and hung out occasionally. My ex knew about her. A month later with probobly no more then 2 texts back and forth throughout that time, I saw my ex out. We hit it off and got back together for 2 years. So it could happen

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