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ok im in the computer room typing to u because i need who ever is out there.can anyone tell me how to block out my parents.they don't care about me.all they do is yell at me.i m the oldest pout of me and my brother and he is the "perfect"child so what he got better marks then me. i m doin better then last year.how do i block my parents out and make them feel as unwanted as i do?

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I know exactly how you feel. I am the oldest of four children. I was an exceptionally good student and even more exceptionally good child. I never got in trouble with the law or in school. I got good grades and never failed. I was in honors class all though high school and so far the only one to graduate from college.

However, no matter how hard I tried, it never seemed good enough for my parents… I was the one who got the strictest punishment and the strictest rules. I hated my childhood.

But let me tell you this, I would NOT trade my child hood because it made me who I am... All those obstacles I had to go through only made me stronger and even more determined to succeed. I finished high school 113 out of 497. I went to college and now have a degree elementary education. I put my self through college and bought my own car. I am now married to a wonderful, God sent man. Your parents only gave you life, its up to you to live it to the fullest. 8) Don't put your self down, because in the long run you'll only hurt your self. I hope this helps, if you need to contact me please feel free. Best of luck.



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I grew up the same way. i was the oldest- thereforeeee I was supposed to be perfect. I got good grades, and so on. My younger brother was the exact opposite- and my parents let him by with murder while I would get in trouble for the littleest things. I mean I can remember then telling me at one point that even thought I got the good grades (that they expected and demanded i get)- i had no right to assume that i could go out and do stuff with friends. I hated it. Then I went away to college and realized that my parents favortism of my little brother gave me an independence that alot of my friends dont have. I guess as horrible as it sounded- being treated like the 2nd rate child actually made me better prepared for being on my own. and the irony- i am finishing up grad school while my lil brother is still living at home deciding what to do with his life.

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First of all,


Your parents do care about you - alot. They just have a funny way of showing it.

If they didnt care, then they wouldn't bother with you.*I think they just want you to do well, and can't understand why you arent doing aswell as your brother.

Try writing them a letter, expressing your feelings.

I'm sure you will find that they do love you very much




x amelie

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