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Did he ever care?

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My boyfriend broke up with me last night- he says he's in love with a (much younger) girl. Judging from the way things sound something has been going on between them for a while. He had cheated on me before and showed no regret, yet last week he told me he loved me. Was he confused or just using me?

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Here's something I've learned: people like your ex always get what's coming to them. People with no respect for other peoples' feelings and who lie constantly, taking other people for granted, or users, always end up being the people who are bitter and lonely in the end. Shallow people seek shallow things, and nothing good can come of that.


He was obviously using you, and although it's sad, it should be a good learning experience for you. Only give your heart to those who earn and deserve it.

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I'm sorry this happened to you. It slashes your self-worth into a million pitiful pieces!!!


One thought: Never never stay with anyone who cheats. With all the love and kindness, everytime it happens you're telling the cheater that he/she can go cheat and you'll still take him/her back. Wow! Isn't it great for him/her!?


Don't waste anytime being confused because there's nothing to be confused here. You're certainly hurt, deeply too, but you know you deserve better. You need to move on. Staying with him or wanting him back is more about restoring your self-worth and that's not the way to go. You're sinking even lower if you do that.


And for the girl he's with, I hope she's ignorant of the situation. But if she's aware of who you are, SHAME on her! It's a rotten thing to do to anyone.


I've never been in your situation before, but I've been oggled and propositioned by men who are already attached one way or another. I'm always shocked, every single time too, by the lack of respect these men have for their loved ones. And seriously, we girls should band together against these men and not hurt one of our own!

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