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Well, I think most people would consider me of a decent height (6 ft, which is 1.83 meters). Well, I'm actually at 6' 1/2", but not even 6' 1" (1.855 meters)... I always wished I could be taller than that. I thought I would at least reach 6' 2" (1.88 meters), or maybe 6' 3" (the height I really really wanted to get to, which is about 1.90 meters). Is there anything I can do? I'm 16 and will be 17 later this year.


I know that the older I get, the less chances I will have to grow more. Also, I think I'm at an advanced stage of puberty already (Or maybe even past puberty?... The pitch in my voice started getting lower when I was mid 14) and I already have a low pitched voice by now (well, some people that hear my voice in the phone know that I'm a teenager still, though). Well, I don't know if it has much to do with how much I will grow... But here's what has happened: When I was 14 I grew like 4 inches in only like 6 months (maybe the famous growth spurt?), and then when I was 15 I was already at 5' 11". 6 months after I was already 15, I had just grown 1 inch. Now, they measured me quite recently and I have grown just 1/2 an inch since then. So, I'm at 6' 1/2". Is there anything weird with me? I mean, I just finished my sophomore year in high school and I just grew 1/2 an inch. I mean, isn't it in high school where you're supposed to grow a lot and change a lot (not just psychologically...) in those 4 years? I thought I would be 6' 3" by my senior year. But I'll be a Junior already (11th grade) after this summer, and I'm only 6' 1/2". Everyone thought I would be taller, but I think I won't grow much more...


Well, enough about the "story", my question is: Does anybody have any tips on how to grow just a couple of inches more? What do I have to change in my diet (should I drink more milk and less soda?), work outs (Does weight-lifting affect me? I don't lift very often, in fact, I almost never lift, I do mostly the lat pull-downs, because I want to strengthen my back muscles + upper chest...), or anything else?

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I don't think that there's much more that you can do. Basically, it's in your genes. If you're meant to grow taller, then you will. You're probably at the peak of your growth spurt.


I think that 6'1'' is good enough. Me personally, I think that if a guy were to be that tall, then I'd feel a little too shy or intimidated. That's just me though, because I'm 5'4''. So, I think that your height sounds about right, especially being that you're a junior in high school.


About weight lifting: I don't think that it will affect your height. Again, whatevers in your genetics, probably will not change much. I don't think that weight lifting will alter your height, unless if you're dealing with heavy weight lifting on a daily basis. Like what some people do as a profession in 3rd world countries (I call it "Human Cargo"), then in that case, it might affect your height, due to 'hunched' back.


Be happy with your height. I think that your height is appealing enough. Take Care. Mahlina

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Drink your milk. Wear platform shoes. Get some pills for more testosterone. j/k.


Look at your parents. What height are they? You'll be around your dad's height. I am 5'10" and know I probley wont grow anymore though usually you will grow alittle more during college then you're finished. Your biggest growth time is during middle school. I grew 6 inches in 8th grade. Then a few more during high school. Now i'll be starting college and most likely grow one or two then i'm done. My dad is 5'11", one brother 5'11", and another brother that's 6'. I will be 5'11"/6'.


Why would you want to get taller? 6'/6'1" is good. No reason to get taller unless you swim or play basketball. But if you want to grow for basketball, look for 6'9". Any less would take talent to make it in basketball.

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That I know of there is nothing you can do to grow taller, at least not in the amont you are talking about, that quickly. You will be growing for a couple of more years though, i would say you could reach 6'3" by the time you are finished.


All I can tell you is to increase your calcium intake and hope. 6'1" is already taller than the average adult, i wouldn't worry too much about it.

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Ug i used to know a website that was similar to this but for bodybuilding.


They had a program called "reach for the sky" It was a program designed to help increase the vertical jumping height. Working the muscles might in turn help increase height????? Perhaps just wieght lifting and eatting alot of protien would help?


otherwise, its mostly genetic. your SoL.

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Yeah, I do want to play basketball better, but I just know that it would be hopeless to even wish to get to 6'9". But 6'2"... It seemed so attainable... Does hanging in those... how do you say it... Monkey bars? Hand bars? Would it help me a little? About how much time a day should I hang from those? I would love to get to 6'3" but would be more than glad to at least get to 6'2"... I always was told I would get to 6'3", even by doctors (An Endocrinologist that prescribed me a medicine over 3 years ago, because I used to be obese b/c my thyroid gland used to not function properly. He said it would help me grow more too... oh and that I had to take the medicine until I was at least 18 ). But now it doesn't seem like it will be possible... Or can I do anything to help a little? Would the calcium + monkey bars/hand bars (or whatever you want to call them...) + basketball and maybe a little swimming help?

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