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I know how you feel. The connection is so different and special. I hate to think of my ex experiencing a depper connection with someone else


Heartbreak has a name for a reason, because it exists, hurts and impacts your life. Even if it's not done by a partner. A friend, family member, anyone close can break your heart.

When a friend of mine took his own life, that broke my heart.


Do you think he will ever contact me at some point?

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I wouldn't count on it. He might - if he has another break from his gf. You need to ask yourself if that's the kind of guy you want in your life.

Do you want to be second best, or first priority?


Do you think my ex will contact me?


I don't want to get with him...I was just hoping for an opportunity to tell him what I REALLY think. Or maybe I just want a confirmation that I meant SOMETHING to him after all. [shrugs]


Your ex? I don't know...it's possible...if he realizes the grass wasn't greener. Then that will be your opportunity to reject HIM.


This is the first time I've been duped like this...so I just don't know how to handle all of this. It's all new territory for me. I was naive and trusting before this...I thought he was a good person...

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Just forget him. Move on. It's not worth the hassle.

Sounds to me like your feelings are pretty deep, so you're hurting. But thinking about what you would say to him if you saw him - I don't know. I wouldn't do it. I'd just act like I'd forgotten I ever met him and smile and be happy. With a partner, it's different.

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