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So my serious bf of 6 months and i just broke up. we spent every day together and he seemed fine with it but i guess he started to feel suffocated so we broke up. He swore we were gonna stay best friends but now it seems like now that he's free he doesnt wanna go back to being "suffocated" by me. So its like I dunno if he just needs a period of time where he's totally away from me. And if so, will he ever come back to be friends? He told me all this stuff about how he loves me but now it seems like anything is better than being around me. Its only been a week and a few days, so it is just a phase or is he really already completely over me and done with me for good.

Plus i have a great relationship with his parents. They want me to at least keep in contact with him. I lost his as a bf tho and I dont wanna lose him as a friend tho by staying buddy buddy with his parents. But they wanna take me camping and stuff even if my ex doesnt go. I dunno what I'm supposed to do or feel here. Ive been fine u know doin my thing but I still wanna talk to him or hang out with him every now and then. I wish i knew how he really feels but he holds everything in and has a pride issue so he says he's alright when i dunno if he really is or not....ahhh all so confusing....HELP!

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i dunno what kind of guy your ex is. but as for you, why not give yourself a break??? your confusion came from him and it'll be out if you put him out of your life for a while.. why not try to do things without him on the plan? maybe you'll see things clearer without him around. give yourself enough space girl!!! tell his parents you'll be of distance. i'm sure they'll understand..

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It is difficult to move on sometimes. You feel like everything is wrong without him by your side. So, you have two options. One, you keep trying to make this attempt to be his friend. Or, two, just let it go. The best thing for both of you is time away. You just spent the past six months of your life glued to one person. So, unglue yourself. Have one of those girly nights (whatever the hell they are called) where you watch soapy movies and cry and eat God knows what. Those seem to work for some apparent reason. Girl thing. I would let his parents know that you need some time to reassess your life. You and his parents may be great friends. But in the end, if you want a friendship with him, being friends with his parents isn't probably a good idea. He will think that you are checking up on him. This might not go over to well with him. Right now, think of what is best for you and run with it. Try to enjoy your life; being a single girl. Who knows what the future holds. Good luck with everything and God bless.

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Well, your boyfriend is a jerk. Atypical if you ask me. Most guys are. I would just let the entire relationship die. If he wants a friendship, he will come to you. Do not contact him. Let him be the one to initiate the relationship. Also, think even if you want a friendship with this guy. He sounds like he was an okay guy during your relationship (I say this because you didn't bag on him). I think he is just being a moron after the fact. I see it all the time with relationships. You say you want to be friends but it never works. A friendship will happen down the road. Just give him and yourself time away. As far as his parents are concerned, I agree with the comment ShaneJeffery86 made. If you are friends with his parents, it isn't going to be cool with him. Good luck with everything. And don't worry, everything will be fine if you let it be. 8)

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