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I have decided it's time to heal and move on. I have been so miserable since my break up. Worse that we work together. I have driven myself so crazy over it, that I have been drinking a lot, starting taking paxil for anxiety, have a therapy appointment this week, on and on. Don't get me wrong, there were issues there before, this break up just brought them all to light. Over the past year, I have left a man I was with for 10 years, got divorced, fell in love, got broken.........and so here I am. A mess, admittedly, but getting better.


My advice to everybody? Talk to people about it! Don't try to keep it to yourself. It's amazing how silly everything sounds when you say it out loud. This guy is trying to work things out with his ex, and he isn't even honest with her about how he is with me! As far as she knows, he doesn't even talk to me! I wonder when I say it out loud, why would I even want a man like that? There is something wrong there! Something that I can't fix, or fixate over for that matter.


I also recommend when you see yourself getting crazy, read Women Who Love Too Much. It's such a good book and so much easier to see your own issues when you read similar issues. I definitely obsess over men way too much! You can't be happy with somebody until you're happy with yourself. So many people have told me that, and it's so true.


I realize I am rambling, but for once, I can talk about this without crying. Do you know how good that feels?


Tonight, I am having some wine, some good food, reading all of his letters and emails one last time, and then throwing them away! Well, ripping them up and then throwing them away. I realized, as sweet and nice as they were, there is also a lot of hurt that goes with them. There are more bad memories then good ones. It wasn't real, it wasn't for me, and it wasn't mean to be.


Join me in taking that step to move on! It feels SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!

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i know how u feel, when my gf of 4 years left me i was and still am a reck. Its been 10 months since she lefted. I just cant seem to get over it, she was my life , now i have nothing to look forward. its sad that im 23 years old and im taking anti-depression pills and i go to therepist each weak, but it doesnt work. im proud and happy for u best of luck.

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I'm in the stage of moving on where I can get through a couple days without wondering what he's doing, wondering if he misses me or is thinking of me. I havent cried over him for along time.


Your advice fo talking about it really does help. I've noticed when I try to help other people's relationships and give them advice, I notice myself becoming happier and it is 10 times easier to move on from my past relationship.



I just cant seem to get over it, she was my life , now i have nothing to look forward.


We must get hurt in order to grow

We must fail in order to know

Sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears.



If you live in the past, the present will become it, and the future will never change.

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