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"Boyfriend" called me from Europe. Need an Answer


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Well, I had posted earlier about my man meeting up with another girl in Italy.

He called me Sat. I didn't answer. So, he called back again, and I didn't answer, but he left a message. He called back like 4 times before I answered. He said hey baby, i miss you, how are you, and that kinda stuff. I was real brief with him, bc he hadnt called me for 2 days since he had left for Italy.


He asked how I was, and I told him, "great, but I need to go. call me when you get back if you want."


Then, about 30 min after we talked, he wrote me an email saying that I got off so fast, he wanted to tell me about his flight, things he saw, etc. He assumed I was on a date since I rushed him. Just to add, it was about 11:45 pm there when he found an internet cafe to write me. (That shows he went to some effort to tell me this.)


He wrote "I know this trip hurts you, but I still say I am in love with you, and I do see a future together. I want us to be together soon, in so many ways. There was a little more, but he ended it by saying "i love you truly."


It is hard to believe that it is just platonic because it IS Italy. Should I trust him?? I last talked to him Sat, so I hope that his feelings for this other women have not grown stronger since we last talked.


Is it possible they could fall in love in 4 days??? I don't want him to come back and have him tell me he now has feelings for her. Am I just overreacting?

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Not easy to trust a guy who travels all the way to Italy to see a girl, aye?


Was this the purpsoe of his trip?


What did he tell you would happen?


This is truly the occasion to empower what you two share. He seems truly honest with what he says and it would be a great if you could trust him. I am sure that if you do, your relationship could come out of this so much stronger.


If it's the first time, trust him at 100% and tell him: "I fully trust you"


If he messes up, you'll know where to stand in the future.


Good luck and stay cool



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Well, he says that the trip was planned out long before he met me, and he made it clear that the trip was to see Italy, and that he didn't have feelings for this women.


He keeps reassuring me that we will be ok, but it is so hard to trust that he is being faithful. But, why else would he go to all the trouble to find and internet cafe at 11:45 pm if he didn't care. I don't know

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I thought you said in an earlier post that he said he had some issues he still had to resolve with this woman. Either way, I'd never stay dating a guy who went on a trip to Europe with another woman. Whatever reason he gave me. Someone truly in love would never expect me to, anyway.

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  • 1 year later...

agreed with scout. i would never trust a guy who went on a trip to see another woman all the way to europe. how do you know he is not sugarcoating things for you....softening you up?


he sounds like he is suave. personally, i wouldnt buy it.


he sounds like he is having a great time there and also working on getting home to something good. blah!

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  • 4 months later...

Man you guys really don't trust this guy... thats not the issue though


It comes down to how much trust alona has for him. I realize the situation kind of sucks but has he given you any reason to doubt him? Don't let these these silly nillies fill you with false suspicions.

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It also depends on how long you had been dating before he left and what the status of your relationship is. Men and women CAN be platonic and people can be faithful when travelling. I've never cheated on my wife and I travel a lot on business.


He may well have had plans to see the country. I've been twice and it is worth visiting and it is better to stay with someone you've met online, rather than travel round by yourself.


Perhaps if you were living together or had been dating a long time, cancelling could have been an option but not if you'd only been dating a few weeks.

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