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One week now since I buried my dad. He passed away on June 29th. I miss my ex so much right now, we have not talked in 10 months. Dad got sick after we broke up...on and off again for 7 years. Longest I have ever gone without talking to her. A few weeks ago, saw her number on my caller id but no message...never called back...many thought she may have heard that my dad had fallen ill, but there is no way that is possible. She may be the only person who knows how close i was to him. I hurt so much, but I am not sure I can trust her for support, not after the way we ended...nonetheless, i feel like i need to call her and tell her. It was such a weird coincidence when i saw her number on my phone...two weeks after dad had been diagnosed with a brain tumor...and for the two weeks, i contemplated so much calling her and didnt...then after 10 months, i just see her number...weird!! any suggestions.

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When my father died, my ex and I had just bearly broken up. I know he heard how my father died but he didn't ever call or anything to even say his condulences. Nothing, no card, no flowers, no text message. That definetly helped me get over him quicker.


it's been 10 months since you last talked and then she called but didn't leave a message......Well, sounds like she might have just called to say hello or ask how things are. If she hasnt been in your life the past couple months, what's the point to have her be in your life now. Losing a parent is hard but trusting a former love with your emotions and feelings sounds a bit dodgy to me. If she did want to get in contact bad enough to tell you something important, she would. But other than that, stay close to family and close friends because you need comforting in your time of grieving.


I'm sorry about your dad, I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I lost my father last May and it's still hard when people ask about him but I'm doing better everyday because I know he would have wanted me to keep going on with life. I remember his last words that made us all stop and think, "Don't take life so serious, it's not like you are gonna get out alive." It changed me and my whole family.

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I would just like to say I am sorry to hear about your dad,Mabe she was calling you to talk to you because she misses you or wanted to see how you were doing,If she did hear about your dad mabe she was calling to see if everything was ok and to see if you are ok why didnt you pick up the phone?Do you not want to talk to her or is it to hard to talk to her I would say do what you feel is the right thing to do as in picking up the phone and calling or when she calls answering good luck with everything and pm me anytime you need to talk

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Dont call her. You need to get through this on your own as much as possible, and if you do need support get it from people who will always be there, like good friends or other family.


Other family would be best because they will be able to relate and help you out. Initally you might feel guilty or bad about confiding in your family and seeking support from them, but it will end up being much healthier.


If you can, get through this by yourself. It will help you tremendously later on in life, as lossing a parent is one of the most stresful things you can go through, especially if the death wanst due to age. Keep in mind that if you get through this on your own, later down the road you will be able to look back and realize that you can get through just about anything.

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