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Hi everyone,

Im under a bit of stress and did something really stupid. I resent the messeage my ex sent me. I just pressed sent. And didn´t write anything.

He was to supposed to help me out with something i had written and after breaking up still asked if I needed help.

I am desperarately missing him. I feel stupid though. I knew in my heart it wasn´t the right thing to do, yet I did it.

I just wanted to open up the gates of communication with him.

Stupid me, say something please.

Its the 3rd time he dumps me. We always go back. But this time should be the final.

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im in the same situation . me n my gf broke up last monday. Its hard for me . And its the third time too... I know the feeling that u get. I miss her so much too. But it would be better if both of u just let things be for the moment... I feel the same way .Whenever my cell rings, i just hope that it would be her. But i know that it would be better if we just lose contact for a while.

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Breaking up is hard to do as the song says. We never see it at that moment, but sometimes breaking up is a good thing. How do you know when it is???? After a few years of reflection. I wake up knowing that my marraige is over, and it is a sad thing, but I quickly try to tell myself that I am starting a new chapter in my life. Heck you could say I am starting a whole new book....


I love that song I believe it is by, Alan Jackson, "My Next Thirty Years" Well I am going to do all the things he sings about in that song, and enjoy life..


Live life like you were dying!!

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Thank you all for responding to me andgivingme strength. Imuch appreciate it. To those that had multiple breakups, how many has it been and do you think you will get back together this time? Do you even want to? Have you been or are you the dumper or the dumpee?


And to you Hoping and Praying lots of strength to you and thank you for your kind and inspiring words.

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Hey - with me and my ex, there were 4 actual break ups, but I only really count 2 because one break up was after 3 days of being together, the other we got back together a day later.


Do I think we are going to get back together? No. I can't deal with the pain again. I do think he will come running back to me at somepoint, he will show up drunk on my doorstep begging for me back. Thats why I am trying to break the contact - I really dont' want that happening. I don't want to be in a state where I am confused about whether I should get back with him or not.


Besides, I am winning the lottery tonight and I wouldn't want someone with me just for my money!!

(Hey, I'm trying to be hopeful, I figure after all this Bad Stuff, something Goods gotta come out of it)


Ya, I've broken the contact too, he won't stop calling me - to brag about his new gf. I only answered the phone once but once is enough. and he keeps showing up. what a creep.


And besides. Having friends are good. I got a list of about 10 + people in my life that would shoot me if I went back to him. It motivates me to move on and forget about that sucka!

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Hey Skittles,

That guy sounds like a creep...he obviously wants you and he's trying to make u jealous...the worst way to attract someone if you ask me. I wonder if his new gf knows he keeps showing up at ur place...i bet she wouldn't be pleased. u'l find someone much better. I know it hurts...I am feeling pain over my breakup too but it's for the best for u because this guy's no good. hopefully, he'll stop bothering u!

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