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Never meeting their standards?


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Does anyone else ever feel that what they do is never good enough for their parents, especially when it comes down to grades? I thought I did really well this first grading period. I've had a past of hiding and lying about my grades before so this time I was truly excited to come forth with the first report card of the year. All passing grades. Now, my entire excitement is shattered due to the never-ending criticism from my dad.


It felt like he was stomping all over my hard work. Ironically, today I came home completely exhausted and looking forward to a longer weekend because I've been going through so much stress and I was happy to get a break. All my dad can say is that he can't believe some of the subjects I'm showing to have trouble in because they're so easy. Although he told me that my report card was really great, that was trumped by him excessively repeating that I was 9 points away from A honor roll.


I've just been so drained and stressed out lately. Him telling me I need to study even more is just a blow to my ego.

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I'm sorry you have parents who are less than supportive of your hard work. My dad used to give me pep talks because my grades were average even when I tried. He once told me his grades were average too (except in math) and that he was able to succeed because he worked hard. He was a vice president of a family owned company. He said that average students are often the leaders of an organization and I heard that stated in one of my college classes. He said because they're generally more well-rounded individuals. My dad was my hero, he's inspired me even when he's dead to be a better person. We all need one good parent in our life and he was mine. My mom on the other hand was mean, and still is.

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My dad was always the one that made straight A's and never had to study or try very hard, says my mom. He never had homework to do because he always worked. I want to say that things were a lot easier for students back then but I'm also told that things are a lot easier for us now because of new realizations in technology, e.t.c. The both of my parents have always said I'm a really bright student and that I know fairly more than most at my age, they usually compare my intelligence to that of my dad's but my actions or more like my mom's. She was not always a straight A student and struggled in the classes I have trouble in as well. I know that I'm capable of straight A's but the exhaustion that follows it really beats me down.

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