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During my Freshman year of high school, I met a girl. I didn't know then what kind of ride I was in for. During our freshman year of high school, we went out for six months. It was a very interesting relationship; we seemed to be fighting more than having fun. But, I guess that is what happens when you are immature. In the summer between our freshman and sophomore year, I broke up with her. I could never give her a good reason except for "My feelings for you have faded away." Of course, it wasn't actually true. So, over the past three years, we had chances of getting back together. Three times to be exact. The last time was May 2003. Now, she has just broken up with her boyfriend of six months about five days ago. And, for some apparent reason, I find myself trying to help her through it. I still love her and everything, but what do I do? Obviously, I cannot tell her now. I want her to know that I will always be here for her. I do want her back in my life. I want to take things slow; start off with a friendship. Hopefully, try to rebuild the bridges that have been burnt down. Plus, I am not sure that she is the same person that I am still in love with. I know I need to find that out. What I need to know, is how do I approach things with her? How do I let her know I care? How do I tell her that she is everything to me?


I thank you for your time.

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You could try being direct with her and telling her how you feel, but, i also think you're kind of wanting to go in another direction. Try just hanging out as friends and not mentioning how you feel. Be there for her and this will show her you care and believe me, women pick up on that. By spending time with her you'll get to see if things have changed for the better or worse and if you still want to persue a relationship with her. Pay attention to her reactions to you and the way she acts to try to figure out(i know sometimes it's hard) whether or not she's interested in being with you too. Just be patient and try waiting it out and see how things progress. If you jump the gun now and come onto her too strong you might push her away. Good Luck.

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