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Guide on resisting temptation. Anyone have one? -.-


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I don't want to be one of those clingy people that hold on for too long...

The kind that goes to her ex boyfriends house to visit and see if he's well.. then gets politely shooed out, and mocked by his friends and later he himself.


So far, this hasn't happened...... but my friend was discussing how his ex girlfriend did that to him yesterday and how annoying she seems to him now....

and i'm afraid I'll be on that path soon. Right now, I can't even stop myself from texting him.... it's pathetic. Especially since I often need a ride home from school, like now. Annnnnnnnd he hardly replies to my texts... or he hangs up on me when I call.

Nice, right? I used to not feel so worried about it, since he's clingy and always on my case as well....... but sometimes he grows these balls out of no where and it irritates me. It's my turn to grow a pair and resist the temptation to call him or be so dependant of him. Help?

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I did because... it's been almost two years of intense trouble basically.

But then, anytime I feel motivated to move forth, he comes back with these promises.. then we're all passionate for a while...

then it's back to the same thing -.-"


Then the relationship ran its course. Took my ex and I to break up 5 times last month for me to realize that a reconciliation could never happen.

You'll understand it sooner or later. Once you accept it, you wont want to call him.

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Pretty much. It's hard to accept though, nearly impossible.. since i sacrificed so much to be in this relation * * * *


I know what ya mean. I sacrificed most, if not all of my teenage years for my ex. almost 5 years.

He obviously doesn't enjoy your presence so that should be enough to tell you that he wants nothing to do with you. What makes you want to text someone who doesn't even care about you anymore. Sort of a self torture situation right? When you get the right mindset, you'll soon realize there's more to life than this guy. Focus on yourself. Get what you sacrificed back. Start over and use this as a life experience for future relationships.

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see, if he were a constant douche, it'd be awesome... total motivation to leave it all behind. wouldn't that be awesome?

but he ignores me for the same reasons i ignore him when i'm moody, so i don't get pissed and cuss him out.

he's been calling me and texting me that he loves me all day -.-

i've been ignoring the calls/text

it's not a good feeling. there's a right answer in my mind but everywhere else is just BLAH

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some advice for you -- grow some balls yourself! I love balls! LOL.I have been dealing with the same situation with an ex boyfriend. We were together for alittle over a year and broke up August 21st 2010. He broke up with me because we were arguing nonstop.



I was trying to remain friends with my ex but felt I was the one who was initiating contact: calling, texting, making an effort. It was annoying. We would talk and text almost everyday but I was usually the one who would reach out just to check in, etc. This went on for two months and it became exhausting. I started to feel like a fool. If this person wasn't gonig to make an effort, why was I?

Suddenly, two days ago, I just stopped contacting him. I decided I needed to drop of the face of the earth for while. Seven short hours passed and I started receiving texts from him. yes that's right - it only took seven hours of NC for my ex boyfriend to notice something was "different" (I hadn't contacted him in seven hours) and contact me. Seems absence does make the heart grow fonder (just kidding!) Strangely enough, I decided in these few days that I really don't want him in my life anymore.

it's just not worth the investment. This little situation ended up working in my favor. And, now he can kiss off. I think I'm ready to move forward.

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