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Your advice please! :)


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Hey guys and girls,

some of you may have seen my situation before, but if not, here goes; i got really close to this girl, but we rushed it, like alot. She still thinks extremely highly of me and vice versa. We went really close, then she said we rushed it, and that she was overwhelmed and she wasnt ready for anything (after she just broke up with her ex, of only a week i might add). About 5 weeks later, i said.. would u be willing to try again? she then mentions that she's seeing someone, but "bad timing" this comment seems to me to mean, if she wasnt seeing this guy she would like to give it a shot.


so about 2 weeks later after the "bad timing comment", she isn't seeing this guy anymore, and i'm still really interested in her. so i need advice on how i should approach the situation. 1. I don't want to make the same mistake as last time by rushing it too much. 2. I don't want to ask her out somewhere too soon or too late (soon as in, i have no regard for how she's probably feeling and too long that she might get interested in someone else) 3. How should i approach right now.. as in, what should i say to her when i talk to her, should i comfort her? Because I don't want to be a rebound.. 4. How should I ask her out somewhere? Without sounding too keen?


The thing with this girl is I can't stop thinking about her, as many of you may have experienced.. So I can't bear to sit by and watch this opportunity go past, because I really like her. I have a really good feeling that if i approach the situation in a better way this time, we will become really close again and she won't feel overwhelmed.. I have this feeling because of some of the things she's said to me in the past ie. 1 in a million, unique, most down to earth guy I've ever spoken too, and list goes on and on..


cheers! sorry for the rant

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i'd be pissed if a guy said to me "we rushed things" and the next thing i know he was seeing another girl(and that isnt rushing things?)and after they splited he came back to me again


no i don't blame her, because it was like a long time after we were close, so i thought, i'll just wait around, next thing i know.. but it's better this way in my opinion, hard to explain

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i'd be pissed if a guy said to me "we rushed things" and the next thing i know he was seeing another girl(and that isnt rushing things?)and after they splited he came back to me again


no i don't blame her, because it was like a long time after we were close, so i thought, i'll just wait around, next thing i know.. but it's better this way in my opinion, hard to explain

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