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No matter whose fault it is, it Hurts.

No matter how old you are, it Hurts.

No matter how long you've been together, it Hurts.

Love hurts.

You try and try to make things work, you cry, you pray, you think, you wish, you think "what if?" An emotional pain of an heartache is worse than any pyhsical pain that I have experienced. But just like physical pain, your wounds will also heal. You can't stop thinking about Her or Him. You wish you could hold them, You wish you could hear them, You simply wish you were back together. Many people do get back together and have a 2nd breakup. Many people stay together and many people never get back together. You start putting this "other" person on a higher pedestal, thinking they were perfect, thinking that you should have or could have done "this or that." You forget their flaws.

Your pride settles in and you can't imagine them being with someone else in the future. You don't want someone else's arms around them. The pain seems unbearable, the thoughts treacherous. You can't sleep, eat, think, or live. This too shall pass....... What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger. The things we go through is what makes us a man or a woman. We learn from mistakes. It takes time to heal, it takes time to love. You feel like you lost this incredible person that no one else can ever live up to. You feel like you will never love like this again. You feel like you lost the person that was meant for you. If they were meant for you, they would still be here. You start getting scared of "being alone." You think that you will always be single. These thoughts go through everyone's head. These thoughts are what kills us inside. You find yourself on this website searching for advice, searching for someone who went through the same thing. It's not just you. Take everything that you learned from the past relationship and do something positive with it. Learn from your mistakes. Worrying about the past or the future doesn't help. Think about the NOW. Yes, you lost an incredible person, and incredible love. WHY do you sit at home crying and shedding tears for this person? Why shed your tears if they aren't shedding theirs? IT HURTS and will HURT, but the most important thing is to learn. You learn about relationships, you learn about yourself, you WILL learn how to love again. The pain of Breaking Up is Unbearable, I know. Don't let miserable thoughts consume you. Easier said then done, but what else can we do?

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great post! i'm feeling you right now.....its pretty much reality, and that's it!!

This site has help me keep the NC rule because I've seen so many contact stories turn sour, so to all, just keep moving forward and live for today not yesterdays regrerts.

Good luck

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