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Hey guys. Here is the story. There was this guy that I met on vacation and had a really strong connection with. I went back home and we talked everyday for like 2 hours. Well, all of the sudden he hasn't called me in 3, soon to be 4, days. I left him a voice mail message yesterday and got nothing. I just don't get it?! When we would talk it was like we'd known eachother forever. We would talk about 'our' future. So the fact that he hasn't called really upsets me. It's a month today since I've met him, so I don't know why I'm so sad about this, nothing was official, but I did feel like I was falling for him. Please help. I just want to know why I feel this way and how to get over it. Thanks!

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Even though it was nothing serious between you and this guy, it is still a feeling of being rejected and that never feels very nice.


If he isn't returning your calls then he isn't worth crying over. Trust me I have previously gone through the same thing, I was getting all emotional because I was continuously waiting for a call and then just as I would give up he would call...think its something men have to do to play hard to get I don't understand so I decided enough was enough I cant be bothered playing games so I stopped phoning.


Funny enough now it is the other way and he is doing the phoning and I feel more in control. I realised I don't want anything to happen with a guy who is going to muck me around that early on.


Don't go looking for love it will find you when you least expect it!!!

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wo wo wo calm down everyone, lets say, yes, lets just say somethings happen in this mans life, he may have lost a member of his family or something different and mightnt want to speak to ANYONE. or he could of lost his mobile phone ANYTHING could of happened! i think you are jumping to conclusions. im not saying hes just left you without no reason, he might of and i wouldnt be surprised cos theres a lot of uncaring people out there & even worse!!! BUT he might just need time to think about whats going on in his life, but by you contacting him, might be making matters worse. so just wait and hope for the best if you really like him. its only been four days! and if he doesnt contact you and just leaves you like that. you will know that he isnt worth the heart ache because he doesnt even care to tell you his feelings and has taken the cowards way out! so dont waste your time on someone like that, get yourself out there and find yourself a man who will treat you good and respect you! take care of yourself and good luck!


Halfdman04 8)

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