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Penis Size and Race?

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I've seen all those penis size charts, but does that account for the entire world or just the US?...which is mostly caucasian.


I was wondering if there was a correlation between penis size and race? Do black people have longer ones and asians have shorter ones, etc? Thanks


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They have some info there on penis size and race, and other correlations.

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I'm sorry but i alway laugh when i hear this topic.Are people going to start dating black men because of their big penis ?? and white men because of their small penis??


I'm positive, if it was a scientific fact and that blacks on average were a good 2inches larger, then it would come into effect) From my experience of having tiny * * * *, women certainly correlate good sex with a large penis and its just priceless in a relationship. I've had many negative comments about size in the past.


Plus, at times i've seen the look of disappointment on a girl's face, the look says it all) plus few return calls after having intercourse with a girl, unlike my friends. It does cause some paranoia and insecurity and its almost impossible to avoid.


So, yep if blacks were much larger, women would move towards them for good sex. For me, a large penis would priceless) i'd love to enter any relationship feelings completely secure in my goods, but it wasn't meant to be. Actually, i'd take a decent size penis over winning the lottery, its totally priceless. As wealth, is all about acquiring women, a huge * * * * and the confidence it breeds, would do that alone.


A good friend has been blessed by zeus or maybe eros) and he's so confident around women and every experience must boast his confidence and women are always chasing him for return dates, its all quite amusing. I detect some envy xD i even observed, a few months, he slept with a young girl where he works, next thing he's telling about me quite a few women hitting on him, just offering him sex. Obviously, she has discussed his endowned with her work colleagues) could be a coincidence though.


I remember when we both started out, we were equally successful, i was completely ignorant at the time. Yet, my confidence has been completely drained over the yrs and his has gone through the roof. A few years ago, he was sleeping with three different women, lucky * * * *. No resentment though(a little) if i was in his shoes, i'd do the same. If you've been lucky in life, then make the most of it.


its about about confidence. I believe, penis size is the most important thing for men where self-esteem is concerned and women. Many large men, probably wouldn't even be aware of the confidence boost. Confidence is key. Just look at the celebrity homevideos of the womanisers, tommy lee, rick soloman and colin farrell their all packing downstairs and ozze confidence, even my buddy is the same. All in line with behavourism and the work of bandura(anticipations), the environment makes you.

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penis size depends on a lot of factors not just genetics, it also depends on ur diet, whether u smoke, and how healthy in general u are.


Most large men i.e. fat (sorry to offend anyone) think they have small penises but in fact its all the fat around the penis area that makes it look like that, when they lose weight they gain like 1" approx. (plus/minus). Penis size is the male thing, it makes males think they are dominant etc, having a small penis also makes men think they are not "male" when in fact other factors count. It all depends how happy u are with yourself and how much self-confidence u have. as the person above says . . its not the size that matters, its the way u wiggle the worm hehe.


I know this aint what the topic is abut but i think it will help. Anyway, there are numerous ways to increase size, first is lose weight and havea healthy diet, it all helps increase the blood flow to the penis area, this blood is what makes the penis erect as it expands the muscle vessels in the penis, there are ways to increase the size of the muscle vessels. The penis is just like any other muscle, if it is not exercised then it can become weak hehe.


Arabs, for generations have exercised their penises using penile exercices such as jelqing (sometimes called milking the penis) and penile stretching. This all can be found by googling for this information. Again, if penile exercises are used then they have to be used frequently, its just like going to the gym for a week and seeing gains then stopping, u dont lose the mass, its always there but ur body loses tone, same with penises, if u exercise it and give up then eventually u lose the tone. Penis exercises are good as long as u keep it up . . most people see gains within a week, some a month and most a few months (3-6 months) most men see gains of like 1-3 inches in length and a few inches in girth when continously doing these exercises. Other ways include, dangling weights from ur penis to increase length but thats all it does, increase length, making the penis seem skinny. Weights are dangerous too as they can cause vein damage, thus loss of sensation of the penis. Others are pills which aim to increase blood flow to the penis, these tend to be poor aswell. Finally there is the extreme surgery, this is done by taking some tissue from some part of the body and adding this to the penis, they have to cut the penis, most cut a ligament in the penis which can cause limping and when u get erect ur penis doesnt face skywards hehe. Best method is penile exercising. It works well so long as ur commited to it, only takes 1 hour a day, and some exercises can be done anywhere, when in the office etc . . that is called PE exercises i think, sorry i cant remember right now.


Anyway, penis size and race, i think its a myth too. Not everyone is the same, and porn has a lot to do with this thing that black men have large penises. I think asian men do tend to have littler penises but its all on race, genetics and personal health. Hope this helps. Take care

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Actually, when I was in a sociology class I wrote a paper on this. Statistically, there is a slight correlation between race and size. The "Stereotypical" belief is actually correct. That being said the fact is the distributions of size in each race are very different. Caucasian guys have a nice "bell-shaped" curve distribution with the average being around 6.5 and the median being around 5.8 inches. (Note: median is more accurate to "center" of the population.) Black men have a much more linear distribution, which means more black men have a "well endowed" penis than Caucasian men, but fewer have average, and black men actually have about the same number on the "small" side. Overall, east asians do typically have many more men in the "small" area of the distribution. Hispanics have very slightly more well endowed men than Caucasian from the distributions that I have seen.


The funny thing is age actually has a slight "bell-shaped" curve for distribution of size. Men in there 30s show the largest sizes (by .2 inches)


Now we have to examine the fact that size has to do with circumference too. There is a decent correlation between size and circumference, but it is not large by any means. Circumference can often give more pleasure to women than length.


Actually, you ladies may not want a well-endowed male, as statistics show they are twice as likely to cheat on there partners.


Another funny fact is that statistically, gay men have a slightly larger median and average penis size than straight men.

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lol it is true. . . indirectly speaking here, smoking causes the ateries and veins to narrow, which in extreme cases but also in general it can lead to less blood flowing to the penis, i read it somewhere or someone told me i, its all to the with the amount of blood going into the penis which makes an erection possible. Anyways, only trying to help. Safe

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lol it is true. . . indirectly speaking here, smoking causes the ateries and veins to narrow, which in extreme cases but also in general it can lead to less blood flowing to the penis, i read it somewhere or someone told me i, its all to the with the amount of blood going into the penis which makes an erection possible. Anyways, only trying to help. Safe




You're talking about "ability to get an erection"... that part is true, it can contribute to impotence/ED. However, it does not MAKE THE PENIS SMALLER. Smoking does not cause tissue loss, the penis does not shrivel up into the body.

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I want to know .How did this survey get started.Did some women check every man's penis and compare?


There's a lot of information here on where and how they've collected measurements and other information (age, race, etc.)


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However, they all agree that it isn't very accurate, as there are a lot of variables on how the test subjects were selected and so on.


Most of the ideas on race have to do with deductions.. for example, condoms in asia are smaller than condoms in other parts of the world. Condom breakage is more prevalent in blacks than in whites, and occurs even less in asians. Condom slippage is also another statistic they used... where the condom slips completely off into the receiving partner. Occurs more often with asians than blacks.


All these somewhat point to it, but I doubt there will ever be an accurate study of this until everyone is scanned from head to toe and the info is inputed into a database to be analyzed by a computer.

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I read these facts in a book the other day at Barnes and Noble so I thought I would share.


Fact 1 - American Indians have the longest penises among the races.


Fact 2 - Mexican men have the thickest penises among the races.


Fact 3 - Irish men's penises stay hardest for the longest time.








All of the above facts are true... or my name isn't

Tonto Rodriquez O'Malley!

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I've heard that asian women are the tightest, so it may be that asian guys are not as well endowed because most asian women don't need a big penis. However, as everyone has said, each person is different, so I guess this whole thing is just a myth. I've also heard the rumor a lot that black men are the biggest, white guys are average and asian men are smaller.


I know if you ever watch porno, black men are almost always shown only if they have a giant penis, whereas white guys are shown at all sorts of sizes. And, I've seen some Japanese porn before and the guys in all of those are about 6" at the biggest. I don't care about their sizes though cause the only reason I'd watch the porno in the first place would be for the girls. (I know this whole thing makes me sound bad. I don't sit at home and watch porno constantly or anything, I just have seen a few different kinds and thought I'd give input haha.)

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Im 5ft 7, chinese with piano fingers and damn skinny


it's 5" when flaccid, 6.5" when erect. an odd combo for sure. Being below average in male height also gives the impression that it's even bigger, which is an added effect. However...


I've always been bothered when people assume I have a small penis, not because I'm chinese but because of my height. I know it's a bit odd to see someone whose height doesn't proportionally equate to penis size (as another guy on here has posted), but at least with him he can go through all the flirting and sex. Whereas in clubs Id get rejected 99% of the time, flat out.


i don't think race can correlate with penis size - and as i've proven, height neither. im assuming that in general, women at clubs go for the taller men, so while they know if they have large or small peckers by experience, with smaller men they're just assuming. also with race - im guessing the asians "tested" mostly come from southern china and hong kong, whilst the northerners were mostly ignored. This skews the tests somewhat.


other points worth mentioning... according to my previous and current gf

it's also a lot stiffer and straight (bear in mind they're the only two i've slept with), who said that their previous bfs had a more "bent and wobbly" penis - she (my current gf) also pointed out that my veins there were more pronounced when erect, but i think this is something you can tell from looking at your arms - my veins frequently bulge when doing heavy exercise, or even on a hot day. i'm more concerned its to do with blood pressure more than anything.


finally... she also says im more sensitive down below - I frequently have to pause or change positions in order not to orgasm too early. I've also been prone to some premature releases when she goes a bit over the top with the fellatio, but on the whole she says i react more than her previous relationships.


im linking this with the vein thing, that increased blood flow makes it more sensitive.


anyway... just wanted to point out small bloke doesn't equate to small penis. And it doesn't matter either way if you can use your tongue

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