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I do not advocate anal sex, for a few primary reasons. One, our bodies are not designed for that and two, I still wonder how anyone can find pleasure in that.


But the choice is yours. If you decide to go for it, please seek her approval first and be sure to wear a condom.





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As male and horny as I am, I have to say put it away for a few days. You could try doing other things, perhaps be romantic for a few days and enjoy the benefits a few days later. I highly discourage anal sex. My girlfriend had her 'monthly issue' while with me for the Canada Day long weekend. We found ways to survive without sex, but were still intimate and still sexual.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with anal. Go for it if you want to, but I think that if you're skeptical, you should just wait a couple of days. Unless you're just using her period as an excuse for trying anal. If that's the case, then I think you should talk to her about it any time, not just during her period. And if she agrees, just go ahead. Or maybe just explain what you think to her. I hope that helped. Good luck.

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I think most of my friends have tried anal because of their period! It's not messy during that time of the month usually, but to be on the safe side, you might not want to try it during her heaviest time. & you should always use a condom (for various reasons)! If your girlfriend doesn't have a problem with trying it, I say go for it

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My boyfriend of barely 2 months cant help but wanting to take me up the a** everytime we have sex. We have a great sex life but neither of us has done anal. I am a horny and open person, and he knows it and loves it. But it grosses me out to even think that he's perverted enough to even say it and expect me to do it without even considering "no".

I am open and dont have a problem with trying new things. BUT he doesnt get it that its like losing your virginity and you cant open your buttcheeks to just anybody. I cant help thinking and getting mad at him because I feel he is taking it all for granted.

How to make him understand that THAT i will do ONLY with my husband of years of marriege, NOT some boyfriend that comes and goes every few months.

Any ladies out there please give advice and any understanding guys please do too. I really need help very badly. Thank you for your time. x

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