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Something happened just moments ago. I am now confused and sort of angry and also dissappointed. I saw her and her friend who is a girl doing homework at the library and I went to speak to her. I passed her the cd I burned for her too. She thanked me and I sat opposite to her. Later she started hinting me that I should go. She told me it was kind of awkard as I did not know her friend. I reluctantly left the table and went home. She messaged me saying, "Think u should understand... Really apologise... Later my friend ask about us." I just replied telling her to study well and hope she liked the cd I burned. She replied saying she appreciated it and have a fruitful day. Do I still stand a chance?? Is she hinting to me I should stay away from her??

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Hiya Calvin


OK I think your seeing more into this than there really is, these two girls are studying together, and you pop up, now the girl you like probably likes you, but its not fair to her friend that your there. it just plain wasn't the right time. thats it!


She was even so courteous as to send you a text saying thank you for understanding. She obviously has you on her mind.


So just be a bit more careful on the timing, and dont jump to conclusions real fast like that, its a good thing she didn't detect that you were upset, at least I hope not.

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Calvin, I'm starting to worry about you again.


If this is the same girl you were talking about in previous posts, it appears that she hasn't been treating you very well. The text message apology seems to reveal that she's worried about how you feel despite sending you off, which is a red flag. Inconsistent behavior is a really bad sign. Females are very consistent with their behavior and words when they like you.


I have a question for you; is she doing anything for you than just offering you her attention? Is there a fair amount of give and take? If not get out of it because you're being used. You may unintentionally be buying her attention with services and gifts, which is unfortunately considered socially acceptable.


It also appears you're being controlled by this girl's responses towards you. Overanalysis tends to reveal a dependency. How ever she treats you affects your well-being. Like I said before, it's dangerous to hang with girls that you like but don't like you.


Trust me on this, it may save you from alot of emotional pain and possibly a devastating blow to your self-esteem and confidence. I had to comfort a friend last night because he decided to hang with his recent ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.


Her being worried that people are talking about you too is also another red flag. What is she trying to hide that is going on between you two?


Anyhow, my best female friend is my friend because she treats me with respect, because we get along, and not because I like her.


Feel free to PM me.

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