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There is this girl that I like very much. She knows I like her and do not mind me contacting her. We occasionally talk on the phone and sms each other. She would always ask me for help in her school work although we are not in the same class. However she rejected me before in the past. Can the signs I mentioned above show that I still stand a chance with her? Or should I just give up the thought of chasing her?

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i think there might be a chance, if you say she knows you like her in that way...it does seem that she is interested in you this time..

however, be really careful in case she thinks that whatever is between you now is only friendship,and maybe she thinks you realised this after her rejection...and you dont want to lose a friendship with her..

try asking around, your friends or her friends might know if she has any feelings for you, and then when you are more sure you can make your move..


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IF* you have a good line of communication with her Via phone, txt mess. etc. than your in good shape.


As for wanting to ask her out and being rejected, there is a way to prevent this in the future.


I like to call it " No Time Of Day"


How this works is with 5 easy to follow steps.


1. (Very Important) Get your confidence up, keep saying your going to do it, over and over again..


Confidence can be picked up in Verbal Communication, Touch, And Chemicaly in both men and women, i have found that women have a Extremely well developed sensory, More than what us Guys do.


2. Articulate your thoughts (words) as to how exactly your going to drop the invitation, in your head, if needed use pen paper.


3. Practice, Practice, Practice...learn your words, and if possible try too think of what her response will be back, and how too (when she replies) fire back with confidence.


4. Drop the Anchor, (Invitation) lets say something like a Movie, or casual Lunch, even pizza, shopping, ice cream, anything that isn't something you would do if YOU and HER were B/f G/f, just keeping this as a "Under the Justification of Friends" knowing of course you want more, but it may not be what she wants..Fellowship-Friendship-Relationship the order is there for you too take into consideration.


5. Your Anchor


....Oh god don't chicken out now, this is a Breeze...if not a Cakewalk, A Sure~Fire way to get this "does she like me or not" voice out of your head. FOR GOOD!!


Be prepared for the bad, the good and the ugly.


Ok how this works is you call her up one day..


Ask her if she would like to Accommodate you out for lunch, and possibly a movie, make sure you say what i said above that "This is strictly under the justification of friends" nothing more nothing less, If you can get some other friends together, and organize a future event, it makes it more like a * hang-out* than anything, really it's what your trying to do, hang-out with her.


If you think about this It's black and white here, there is no way she can say "I'm Busy" or "I have plans" because you have not YET


If she does ask WHEN/WHERE


All you have to say is "well i was hoping you could tell me, I don't know what your schedule is like"


make sure you have something in preparation, in case she does say "yea Ok that sounds like Fun" and if she says "no" take your own advice stop chasing her, No calling, no txt mess. NOTHING


"Who Wants Fake Friends, With Fallacious Qualities."


Hope i helped a little.

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