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Recontact with EX AGAIN after another mini go at it! Possibly seeing her in a few weeks. Do I go?


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Ok, Well I was in an LDR. Stuff fell apart Nov 2009. I lived in Denver and her in Mexico City. We both went NC until late March when we were in the same city (San Diego). At the time she didn't want to see me but ended up calling me to hang out. We both ended up going back to San Diego where we met to to spend weekends together 5 times from March to May and she admitted she forgot how much she loved me until she seen me again. Things were awesome and even were during the last trip until one of our issues came up and stuff fell apart again come late May. I had already had tickets to see her in Mexico in June and she was cold to me the entire time and we left not on bad terms but could have been better. Yesterday was her Bday and we hadn't spoken since my bday in mid-May and I called to wish her Happy Bday. She had invited me to come with her to move to San Jose but I had other obligations and never spoke again.


I call her yesterday after work and she doesn't answer. She calls me back about 1130pm her time and has just moved to San Jose permanently in June as well. We had the normal small talk about things she was up to, her new job etc I told her I would like to come visit. She said it is her busy season coming up with work so she may have to work 6 days a week, possibly 7 because they are short staffed. She told me back in June Fall/Winter were going to be her busy seasons but working 7 days a week until February just seems ridiculous and I don't really believe it.


I told her to just tell me if she didn't want me to come and she told me it was not that. She's just worried she won't have time for me. We were having fun on the phone until the subject came up and then it was like we were both stressed because she could tell I didn't really believe her.


Think she just doesn't want me there? I also don't want it to seem forced. Should I go? Should I not go? Go back NC?



Edit- I'd like to add I have dated about 4 other girls since we stopped talking in June. While these girls are beautiful, fun, and have a lot of good qualities......everyday I miss my ex and the great qualities she had so I know if things are going to even happen I've got to get in front of her again because she is very stubborn lol

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