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Deja Vu Theory and Meanings of a Dream?

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For the record this is my friend. I did however spend a few close days to him last summer where we did kiss. After summer he went away to college so nothing between us ever happened. He had this dream and was opening up last night. Im not sure I believe dreams have meaning but interperet it for him.


Him: a majority will see what they did wrong, some wont.....hopefully, they'll perish...

idol ink: yet for now your stuck here with all the people

idol ink: who probably wont perish for a long while

Him: ......the end is sooner than you think...i think

idol ink: hmm is this a theory you have?

Him: i had a dream the other night, i was pulling you out of a building and into a truck, and we drove through water and i got us to high ground with some people we knew and others we didn't

Him: after i had things settled there, i made sure you were ok, took the truck to save more

idol ink: that sounds like something out of deep impact

Him: the water was knee deep

Him: and it was pouring

Him: homes were flooding

Him: what happened was, something hit the water, but it turned into a small wave by the time it got to us

idol ink: thats an insane dream


Him: i just hope it wasn't one of my "real" dreams, of the future

idol ink: you ever do that?

Him: because if it was, it looked as if it was within the next couple of years


Him: every other day or so i get deja vu.....anna says its because "i'm on the right track"

idol ink: thats what ive heard it means as well

idol ink: so you are lucky

idol ink: i rarely get deja vu


Oh and feel free to comment on the deja vu theory.

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it would be freaky if it does happen, wot with global warming - though its unlikely.


have an open mind if your gonna read on;

my deja-vu experience was walking down a corrider and hearing a stranger say summot about a poster on the wall, i knew it was going to happen but only realised wen it did, if that makes sense.


many people think deja vu is an event happening in an alternat/parallel universe, or sub-conscious minds coming together. infact, wen deja vu is translated into english it literally means "allready seen".

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Well most of the time when I had dreams ..... i forget about it when I wake up the next morning. So I wouldn't even know if I had a De Ja vu. However, there is always a rationale behind everything that happens. May it be something spiritual or physical.


Some dreams tells us what we saw in the day. Some dreams tells us what we want to see .... or what we dread to see. Ever seen painting from Salvador Dali? He illustrates his visions through the abstract art of Surrealism. I guess dreams can appear that way too. Your mind is the artist and the dream is a canvas.


As for your friend's Dream, it could be too much Hollywood in his head ... as you've said, "Deep Impact". Or it could be something he wants .... to save lives maybe? Ot to let you see how heroic he is? Or maybe to show you he cares?


Glenn Fong

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Okay...thats really odd...As I was reading Guitarman's post, I had a real strong deja vu feeling...As I thought about it (and the irony of it all) I felt like the next thing that was going to happen was that my supervisor was going to come into my cubical and get mad at me for being on the internet, but that hasn't happened yet.


Do any of you ever feel that way when you get deja vu? LIke you know what will happen next after the inital deja vu, but then it doesn't happen? What do you think that means?


What did you mean (i think it was enchanted) when you said "maybe that means your on the right track") ?

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