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My mom has no respect for my wishes...


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For considerably my whole life, I battled with both my parents about their smoking. They never made the efforts to do their smoking outside or to keep it in another room. For a long while, knowing I had a problem with it they'd even go into my room to sit on the bed and smoke. We lived for 10 or so years in a one bedroom apartment (I was given the one room) and they slept in the living area. You can image the tight arrangements and how claustrophobic that might have been. Of course, even then they didn't smoke outside but when I made it clear how much the odor and the smoke bothered me, they never entered my room with a cigarette.


All through school people would tease me for the way I smelt because of them and the fact that the smell would leak through the vents, I'd sit on the couch, it would be on my clothes, really ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I even did to prevent myself from smelling bad didn't help because it was every where. My mom wouldn't hear it when I told her how bad I felt about it. My friends would go into hug me and turn away disgusted because they thought I smoked and the smell was overwhelming. My mom would say, "oh just spray yourself with febreeze when you get out of the house" or "close your closet door." News flash to her, did she not realize that either of those things never worked. It's humiliating for someone who doesn't even want anything to do with smoking to have to sit through the teasing and ridicule of other people just because your parents don't bother to at least step outside for 5 minutes.


It wasn't until just recently that my family and I moved into a nice house. My parents now smoke outside and I am actually comfortable with hugging and being intimate with my own boyfriend. Things are great because when we moved in, I made it a priority to spray everything down with vanilla extract to officially get rid of the odor of everything.


Now to my current issue...


My room is the coldest in the house and I like to keep it nice and clean. I try to make up my bed as often as I can. Because there is no where else to sit in my room besides my computer chair (which I always am in) my mom will lay out on my bed and talk to me which isn't fine... at all. She stinks. She stinks because she's a smoker and it isn't like the smell goes away within 2 seconds of her walking in from being outside SMOKING. Trust me. The point is that I don't want for her to be laying in my bed smelling like that and she continues to tell me things like, "oh just spray it down after I leave." I simply asked for her NOT to lay in my bed but her excuse is that it's comfortable and she wants to be in there. I find that she will lay in my bed (actually getting under my blankets) when I'm not even home and that pisses me off even more. She should respect the fact that I put up with the smell for longer than I should have every needed to and now that I'm free of it, I don't need that burden all over again even if she is just laying in my bed, it's still affective and really bothers me.

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I have been living in a cloud of cigarette and marijuana smoke (which I don't mind as much, I like it and the smell doesn't cling at all) since I was... I donno, in my mother's womb?


She even has a cigarette while she's on the treadmill. She puts the ashtray in the water bottle holder...no joke. She has at least 3 king size packs a day. At least.


I'm gonna be blunt, they just don't give a sh*t. I'd just take the accomplishment that they no longer smoke in the new home and hold on to that one. What I wouldn't give to have that. But trust me....I feel your pain. NOTHING I could do would stop her. They don't care about your comfort or health as much as they care about their own comfort while smoking. End of story. But I suppose they care enough about their new home to cut it out. Nice huh?

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