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Stuck in a hole and I can't get out.


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I had the breakup of my first serious relationship last year and I started taking on extra activities to push it out of my mind. That was a year ago now and the relationship is in my past but it's gotten to the point that I've taken on so much it's impossible to keep up. About a week ago someone emailed me with one small task and I just started balling, and since that I've just stopped doing everything. My college essays are overdue but whenever I sit down to start them I can't stop crying.


I've noticed the last few years that I tend to have a few months where I'm really happy in life and enjoy being busy and then all of a sudden I get 1-2 weeks of hell where I feel almost suicidal at times. I've always put it down to sleep deprivation but only today I realised that this could be a real problem because I took a flask of vodka with me to college. I just felt like I couldn't handle being alive and getting through the day unless I was numb.


Is it possible that if I caught up on sleep I'd feel a lot better? Can sleep deprivation cause problems like this? I just don't want to let other everyone down. What should I do?

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when you have a job it's easier to push yourself to do things like getting dressed and buying groceries and getting things done.


Some students possess a very keen sense of duty, and it keeps them working even without a boss or a paycheck. It sounds like you need a boss and a paycheck.


Sleep deprivation can cause depression, but depression can also cause sleep deprivation. I would never recommend a depressed person to go and get more sleep unless they actually felt tired, but I'm not a psychologist or anything.


I think you should get a part time job, something which pays you something and isn't degrading to you. You have to learn to value your time.

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Getting no sleep could be the problem. I have sleeping problems when I am anxious or stressed. But I feel that the best thing for you to do is to talk with one of the counselors at your college. I went through a real rough patch my senior year of college and this helped astronomically.

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Sleep is underestimated in my opinion. Without proper rest, your body isn't recovering. Like hGH for example that's released at night helps to recover and restore many body functions. When people don't get enough rest the level of adenosine increases basically telling the body the brain needs rest. It's like running an electric motor with underpowered battery. You're going to feel sluggish, not fully alert and have to rely on caffeine and other stimulants to stay awake.


If anything power naps during the day even for 10~15 minutes have dramatic effect on your well being and will help you stay more alert. Do try to get at least seven hours of sleep. Rest whenever you can. Your body will appreciate it.

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it could be sleep depravation,but just how much are you drinking to numb the pain,vodka or any other stimulant will not help it will just paper over the cracks and send you down a worse path .if youre drinking yourself to sleep theres a problem because passing out is not sleep!

have you a family history of depression?bpd?

what college courses are you on?

whats your job?

sidehop is right power naps are better than any other stimulant,so maybe get into the classroom early and nap.

instead of helping others first help yourself,switch off the phone,dont check your emails,

take some you time go outside take deep breaths of fresh air ,get some proper vit c in you (fresh oj/an orange)go healthy itll take a while but you will see an advantage.

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Sleep deprivation is horrible and can certainly make you feel suicidal if it goes on long enough. Also, it sounds as though you have taken on so much, your body is probably pumping out stress hormones at a high rate of speed.


First, catch up on sleep, if you can. If I go too long without, I actually get insomnia, and then it is a vicious cycle. There are some natural remedies to help with sleep. I would try those first. 3mg of Melatonin can do the trick if you take it 1/2 hour before bedtime. If that doesn't work, you really should check in with a doctor.


The second piece is harder. See where you can cut back on your workload, but also try something like meditation, long walks (even 1/2 hour would help) or yoga. I know... it seems like one more thing you have to do, but stress is nasty and managing it has to be a priority.


You are in a tough place right now. I wish you luck getting a handle on this.

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I forgot to mention, if you are open to supplements, there is one called L-Glutamine which can help your body regulate the amount of cortisol it pumps out (a stress hormone, good only in small doses).


I take 2000mg of L-Glutamine a day and it has helped me immensely. Start out with 1000mg though and work up to 2000. Like any supplement if you start too quickly you can end up with the runs. No fun!


Good luck.

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hi there,


are you female? if so, start taking note of when these slumps hit you. it could be PMT. i know a lot of people scoff when pmt is mentioned as they never experienced it but is can be a very serious thing and your feelings sound just like it to me.


through my life i never suffered from it, apart from feeling a bit tearful or moody. then about 3-4 months after my break up i noticed that i was feeling very depressed and overwhelmed sometimes. of course i put it down to the break up. after another few months i found that at times i was over the break up but then for about 10 days i would be in despair, tired, overwhelmed. i realized that it was PMT probably made worse by the break up and it was lasting almost 2 weeks out of a month.i recorded how i felt for 2 month and it was consistant with PMT. i felt stupid going to the doctor but i COULNT live a half life. she put me on the pill and within 2 month all was normal and happy again. i still get a little pmt but it only last 3-4 days which is manageable.


anyway your post REALLY reminded me of this, so start checking your dates and feeling etc......... and sorry if you are a man disregard this advice lol.

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