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Need your input??

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I met a great guy online 7 months ago and we plan to meet soon.


We relate on just about every level and we are both seeking a long-term committed relationship. In fact, I have never met anyone whose outlook on life is practically the same as mine except for one thing.


Ok, here's my problem. Our conversations can get steamy and I'm ok with that but his fantasies are sometimes a tad bizarre for me and he mentions things he wants to do that I don't feel comfortable with.


I know men love this sort of stuff. Is it just male fantasy? I ask him where on earth does he find this stuff? Cosmopolitan Mag? Penthouse? Anyway, if it is just fantasy (it will remain that way and that's cool) but should I be worried if he's serious? How do I know for sure?


Should I say to him "Sorry, you've got the wrong lady if that's what you

really want in a sexual relationship and walk away? or bite my tongue and let him imagine all sorts?


Your advice would really help?

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I wouldnt take this to serious, it is just fantasy, and he is trying to impress you, whatever he mentions that your not comfortable with, just be honest, how is he to know if you do not tell him?


So when he says i would like to blah blah blah, just say, oh, i wouldnt be comfortable with that, or that wouldnt turn me on. thats all you have to do. be honest thats all.

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When he did mention a few things I found odd and asked me if I would like to do those things..I said NO! (and then I asked where on earth does he think of these things? ) and he drops the subject but he brings up another scenario equally as disturbing in other conversations.


I have asked him point-blank if he watches porn because most of this stuff sounds related to me and he denies it.


I truly don't care if these are his fantasies...everybody has them right? and I've been told men's fantasies are quite different from women's but my true fear is that he expects me to carry them out and it aint gonna happen if you get my drift.


Should I say in a normal moment that his fantasies belong in his head and the rough ones he should keep to himself?


I have to be honest here..it scares me a bit because I am not a wild chick here and don't plan to be either. Somethings just don't do it for me.

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