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should i ask her out again?

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hey guys.. you might have read my previos posts.. anyways the girl im interested in broke up with her bf of 3 years about 3 weeks ago.. i see this girl on the bus every morning.. one day i causually said to her hey u should come and hang out with me.sometime .she said yeah it would be good.. so i ask for her number she started giving it to me but my ph battery died so i said to her if she could text me sometime so i could have her number.. the weeknd past and i never received a text msg from her.. anyways monday morning comes. i see her on the bus.. we talk friendly as usual.. i never reminded her about the msg she was suppose to send me...we left it at that.. at lunch time when i was at work i receive a msg from her saying hey u, hows ur day going so far., here is my number.. next day i msg her from work just saying hello and i never got a reply from her.. anyways.. wednesday night i picked up the ph and decided to call her to see what she was doing on the weeknd. she says oh on sat i have to do something during the day then going out with my friend and on sunday not too sure.. so i said its cool, well let me know she goes yeah sure..

the next day i see her on the bus again.. she goes oh sorry about the weeknd but on sunday im going out with my friend again..and she goes but maybe next weeknd? i said yeah sure its cool no worries..


now i feel like i did get shut down.. cant really decide on what to do.. any suggestions i do understand she came out of a long relationship but still im abit comfused cause now i dont know if she really likes my company or not.. im thinking of not getting the early bus with her all the time..but not sure if this will help should i ask her out again.. should i just wait..or just get the bus as asual?

cheers guys

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I never found a girl that will say "no" to a date. So the simple rule is that anything but a "yes" is a "no".


It appears she finds hanging out with her friends more important than being with you. It's a clear signal that you should move on to the next girl and not ask her out on a date ever again.

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Instead of just text messaging on your phone try actually calling her and having meaningful conversations. If she gets to kno you better, calls may lead to dates, and dates may lead to a good relationship. If she doesnt want to get to know you better then move on. There are other fish in the sea

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3 weeks after a 3 year relationship is a very short time. You could be setting yourself up for heart break here. If you do start dating and things are going great and so on, what will happen if she starts to miss the ex or something like that.


She may not be ready to date someone new this soon after the break up. Crappy I know but maybe right now its for the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Hannibal.


Sounds to me like she's not in the right position to get involved again. You don't want to get involved in that 3rd wheel situation. I know. It's tough to handle the truth sometimes. But for now, bite the bullet, and get to know other people. Most often, with us girls, it takes some time for us to move on from a relationship. We need time to recuperate. And in other times, when we're not heartbroken, when we meet a guy, we either feel that chemistry for them, or we don't. I think that this goes with guys, vice versa. Either the chemistry's there or it's not. That's how I see it. I guess for other girls, as long as a guy's paying attention to them, then that's enough for them to say that they like the guy. But truly, I feel that deep down inside, it's that bond that's there or not, and they should realize this.


Looks like for now, it's not perfect timing. I'm sure that you'll have a chance to meet new ladies. You will, and when you do, she'll probably be the last person that's on your mind. Take Care.-Mahlina


P.S.-Just because things don't work out between you and her, try not to take it as something personal. Try not to be hard on yoruself k? At least you tried, right? Here's pat on your back! =; Good luck to you Aztec!

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