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How to get my ex back


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So i broke up w/ her. I regret every second of it. I know some of you are saying "get over her mike!" or "you deserve better!" and all that stuff


But i truly made a mistake by breaking up w/ her. I want her back.


So my question is: What have you guys found that actually works to win your ex back?


I know NC, I know go keep myself happy, i know go out, ect.


Looking for something more. I WANT HER. no one else and id do anything to get her back, help me get her back, what do i do?

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you said you broke up wit her? meaning she still wanted you but you are the one that ended the relationship.. I think you should start wit an apology and bear in mind she might be doing the NC to get over you or get you back... so either way you have to do the first move since you are the one that broke up with her...

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Well, if you want her that badly and regret it so much, confront her about your true feelings. If she is willing to have you in her life again then that is awesome. But if she is hesitant and doesn't want to, don't try too hard because your relationship may be doomed to failure because a relationship takes two and if she is all up for the ride then keep her, if not, you gotta let go before you get hurt even more.


Talking honestly never seems to fail to me. Cute stuff (flowers, chocolate) are not good enough for me because it seems like you're trying to "buy me".

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