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Does she need to take of her panties

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My gf want to know if she needs to take off her panties to be fingered and also we have been dating for 8 months and we are both 16 and she wants to know if starting this is moving to fast. Plz reply we really need all the advice we can get.




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i was able to do very good with pants and panties on. I am sure you can do fine too. my advice, don't worry too much about fingering. rather work the clit. I know you get more joy from fingering her, but once she starts to orgasm from working the clit, then that makes you feel good = P.

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I don't know about the panties thing, I'd assume you could do it with it on as well though. But there's no real time limit to know when something is "too soon." Basically, if she feels it is too soon, it is. If she's totally comfortable with doing it, then go ahead, if she feels she wants to take a bit more time, then wait. None of you guys should feel any pressure to do it, just do it if you want to & feel you're ready - then you'll enjoy it most!


Hope that helped..



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I agree with the above post.


I think that because she is questioning weather or not this is moving to quickly is a sign she isn't really ready to do this. Let her know that there is absolutely no pressure to do anything outside of her comfort level and maybe tell her that when shes ready to let you know.


And you can do it with the panties on, however I always find it rather ristricting and my wrist usually gets sore after a while.

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Thankyou very much for the advice and now i have a new question. when i was fingering her she started to breath heavy (i assume normal) and soon after she sayed she was a little sore. is this normal for the first time and will it end later. plz reply!




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