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Just to feel the pain

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I have been cutting myself ever since my mother died. that was four years ago. I have been seeing a therapist with my twin and even taking anti depressants. I can't seem to stop. I have tried so much. And now im not sure if i want to. i mean it's not like it's any worse that tattoos. it's like body decorations. I use to do it on just my wrists but now i have too many scars on my legs wrists, fore arms and stomach to count. it got worse when i moved in with my dad, he would yell at me and my twin and tell us that our mom's death was our fault, and that we should have never been born. he left my mom when she was pregnant with us. Then i began banging my head on the walls and books. I still do it. some times i bite myself until i bleed.

I use to do it because i didn't want to live any more, but then i attemted suicide by overdose and i relized it wasnt the way to go. now i do it because i want to and i NEED to. It's like smoking. it's addicting. If it is so bad then the smokers should got to a psychiatrist. IT'S A PROBLEM TOO!


I never have gotten why it's such a big deal. So tell me some one. why is it so bad?

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It's bad because you are hurting yourself, and it hurts the people who care about you to see you doing that to yourself.


Why do you feel the need to continue cutting yourself? What is it that you feel you can't verbalize that turns you to cutting?


What does your twin say? Are you getting along with your dad now?

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Its bad because generally its associated with a desire of self destruction. Continuing this might lead you to something else (read my lips: suicide=death). What you're asking is like asking why marijuana is bad since it doesn't do much. Taking drugs like weed isn't that bad in itself until its not enough and it does nothing to you anymore, you'll want stronger stuff to make you stone. Like you say its like smoking and if you want to quit smoking you need some serious help because pills alone don't do the trick. Some people do it alone, but some need counseling to get out of the habit of smoking because they are not tough enough to do it alone. Some get out of cutting alone and some just can't.


Inflicting pain to yourself is bad because its going against your most important basic instinct: preservation. Its "bad" because its the sign of really big issues you have and a sign that you don't want to face real world and mental pain. Its a big deal because its only the sign of a withdrawal into a world where you don't have to think, only bleed, suffer and pay for something you haven't really done. It is bad because its a sure sign you want to die and people value life. You want to die but you don't know how to do it without suffering and you're scared of it, so you just cut yourself and drop into oblivion. I know 2 sure ways to die without suffering, you don't seem to know about them or I guess you would be already dead. Pills are not a good way to do it by the way.


Do you think your mother died and that it was your fault? Do you see yourself reaching the age of 25? You're still young and going through so much pain and suffering do you think its normal to react your way? I think it is. The big deal about it? You say you want to die and call for help with every cut you make not really wanting to and no one is there to help you. I really feel for you because at 14 I began to cut too and I didn't have half the problems you have right now.


Someday you'll be 18 and you'll have the right to do wathever you want. Get out of your house and get a life you want to life. I left home at 17 and I never stopped living since. I'm now 28 and life couldn't be better.


There's always light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel can be really long sometimes, long, dark and full of nails...

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  • 4 weeks later...

i dont think its a big deal..long as you control it..dont let it control you...get rid of your scars with vitamin E it will help minimize


i dont see it as any worse than any other habit..it shows how you feel..its only acctually hurt me once and i wanted it to. try to slow down..give it up for a while just so you know you can control it..if you cant do that..you need to seek a bit of help..a friend whos down so they wont tell on you and make it a big deal


..all it is, is publication for the government and medical world to make an enemy and say needs help when its no worse than most other things...

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Cutting is good and bad.The only reason it is good is because even though you are harming yourself,you are not harming your health.Other addictions such as smoking,drinking,drugs etc all have side effects on your body and mess it up for the future.When you cut you may be leaving scars but thats all.On the other hadn cutting isnt a good thing to do.It leaves nasty scars on your body for thr rest of your life.My suggestion,keep going to therapy and as long as your cutting stay under control,its no major problem.



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