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a New light in my life!!!


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I wrote this poem for my two new best friends who came into my life when i needed them most. I can never thank them for what they gave me so im writing them this poem to tell them how thankful i am to have them in my life. It first goes through what i went through and then it comes up to how they contributed in saving me!... Soo if you can just tell if its good or not because im not sure if i should give it too them or not!!!! thanks agen..


One of the greatest gifts

That ever crossed my path

feelings of bliss

turned to sadness and wrath.


You told me something

I would never forget,

I couldn't respond

And this I'll always regret.


You told me you loved me

Too sad to reply

Losing someone like you

The only healing is to die.


Saying Goodbye was hard

couldn't imagine a pain this extreme,

thinking we'll keep in touch

but things aren't as they seem.


Didn't just lose one,

I lost both of my best friends,

This pain I feel has worsened,

And I'm sure it never ends.


Losing such a treasure,

as delicate as this,

has now dissipated and left,

forever into the abyss.


There's no reason for me here

Which I've known for a while

I need to give up,

it's the only way I can smile.


I see my last sight

And I breathe my last breath

Knowing whats to come

I'm devoted to this death.


Then some one came

To help me with my trouble,

I was nearly gone

But was pulled from beneath the rubble.


Two new best friends

whom I'll never forget,

You saved my life

Which ill never regret.


You both are my sun

That keeps my day bright

And also the moon

That I look up to at night.


Without you two by my side

I don't know where I would be,

So I thank god every night

For you being there for me.


I can never thank you

For what you've brought to me,

You gave me a second chance

And I hope we will always be.


I always feel safe

With just the warmth of your touch,

And I promise I'll be there for you

I love you girl's sooo much.

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