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Depressed... need some encouraging words

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Hey everyone,


I've posted here many times and the people here have been very supportive of me. I am just very depressed tonight. Many of you read on other forums that I lost my girl a while back, and while I'm pretty much past her, I am... I just feel like I'm back at the beginning, at square one. I found out that she lied, among other things and it just irritates me to no end. Meeting people is difficult for me. I know this is kind of a weird request but I'd really like it if good people here would make friends with me, so I can maybe feel less lonely.


Maybe I'm love addicted, but I don't know. I just want to be with someone real real bad. I'm a very emotional 22 year old boy, and I think that this was given to me to share with a special someone. It may be silly, but I pray that I meet that person every night. I dunno, it seems silly but I need some encouragement right now. You people have been great to me, and I owe you all so much. Do you understand how I feel? It's just... ugh. You know. I'm trying to be patient.


Thank you

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I haven't been in a relationship before so I can't really relate to how it feels to be out of it exactly..but I know how it feels to be lonely as a result & I think many people feel at square one in their lives. Just think that this is only a temporary stage, you'll get out of it eventually. You've dated one girl already, she hurt you, but you'll meet someone even more compatible, you have the potential. Just don't stress about it so much..there's plenty of other things out there you can do with your time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, thank you both very much for your encouraging words. Yet, I find myself writing stuff like this on my blog:


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I can't stand having these mood swings. One day I'm optimistic, one day I'm not. One day I'm glad to not be with my former date anymore, one day I feel totally 'rejected.' It is starting to suck. It makes me mad because everyone says that you'll be surprised how long it takes to get over someone, well I want to say that I'm fully over it, and in some ways I am. I'm over her. I don't want her anymore. But I don't know if I'm fully over "it," being knocked back down to a position where I'm without someone. At 22 she was my first actual date, so you can imagine where I'm coming from. Maybe at age 44 I'll find someone else. I'm not going to say anything else because it's going to bleak me out. Arrr someone shut me down, refute my negative thinking pattern.

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