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Never been in real relationship

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now im 17, and i have never been in a REAL relationship. ive had girls here and there and things like that. my longest relationship was 5 months and it wasnt really a relationship becuz i oly saw the girl whenever i had nothing to do or at most 1 every 2 weeks. well now, i know this girl for over a year. and we some what have something going on. we talk every day at any chance we have to talk. and whenever she wants to hang out and anythiing of that sort i make the time.


but now im getting the feeling she wants to take this to another level and make it more serious. since she told me that she wants me to meet her mother and father. figured that becuz shes never took any guy to her house. well being if thats what she wants to do, i think i would be more then happy to do so. but i have one problem. dont know how a real relationship goes. i dont know how i would be expected to act in one. being that ive never taken any girl serious, and yeat want to start with this one becuz shes special to me .


Well just need some help from some of you that are more experienced on this thing.

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You need to ask her thats all, ask her what she wants, what the goals are, etc.


And whatever she says then you know whats up, most girls come with an instruction manual, its called their mouth, just listen, and you will know what to do.


Lets say she just wants a "fling" well you obviouslly dont have a problem with that, so go ahead and give her what she wants.


Now, if she says she wants to go steady, well thats your option, if its what you want, then great, be faithfull to her and take it slow, if your not looking for something long term, then tell her that, dont be a "player" ok, someday you may wantthat kind of relationship, and you may want to be with her again. plus leading people on and then hurting them is just plain evil and bad. your not that desperate. so ask her, and listen.


good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

awww, yeah u seem smitten for her


well, i guess the best advise is 'Go with the FLow' i mean u cant say excatly how a relationship will go otherwise they'd have the "relationship bible" and every1 would live by it. Just remember that whn meeting the parents please show ur manners and DONT start an agument with the father (not a gud look)


If this girl likes u,, which she cleary does i mean you dont talk non stop to someone just for the hell of it thn im sure she'll like you no matter what i mean she clearly likes you for who you are so you've seriously got NOTHING to worry about

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