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Have I made too many mistakes?


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I wish you the best of luck. Its even tougher when kids are involved, Id imagine. I know what it's like to want to fight for someone. For right now Im gonna let this depression pass (whenever that is) and see, if when Im done feeling depressed, I still want her in my life, and if I do, Ill work to make that happen and if not, I'll move on because I don't need more headaches in my life. Still its never easy to forget someone. My girl definitely had commitment issues though and I could see the red flag by the fact that her mother dated about 3 guys during the 6 months we were together and just dumped them for really random reasons, so I was thinking "uh oh" and sure enough....


i appreciate the support. im definitely gonna be on here for a while even if she does come back. this has been a hell of an education. im 40 and believe it or not have never had to deal with this extreme of a situation or feeling this way. everything has always worked itself out without much drama. i guess people, their priorities and feelings change as time goes by and maybe im at some kind of turning point in my life. regardless of how this turns out ill keep posting because the more new information about situations that surfaces the more people are helped, in my opinion. ill be on and off all day so if anyone has thoughts about my situation or wants an opinion just chime in. thanks

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