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I've been neglecting a few things...

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I've been so focused for months now on my relationships with men (and finding a good man) that I've been neglecting a few things that I need to do for myself (i.e. my health and well being), things around my house and things for my business... and it's time I get caught up and organized... I'm very much a procrastinator on your average day but things have gotten out of hand... and I would very much appreciate any advice on how to motivate myself... and some words of support and encouragement would help, I think, because somedays I feel that maybe I'm just plain lazy (that's being too negative, I think)... I think procrastination can lead me down the dark path to depression if I don't do something now. Help!

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Hey, I'm in the same boat you are in. I've been neglecting people as well. The thing that works for me is to make a list of my priorities. I then make a list of what I need to do today. I will make it a six thing to do list so I don't get discouraged if I don't everything done on my list. Hope this helps!

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