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Hello all,


I very rarely post on here, but come here often. I guess I am the true definition of a lurker. Now I guess I just need some input, even though I know the response... I guess I just need reassurance.


So about a week ago, I received a voicemail, from a blocked number, of someone just saying hello a few times. I know it's crazy, but I know it was my ex from a year and half ago. You all know that when you hear their voice, you know it's them. I'm just kind of wondering, why call me now and not say anything? I mean I changed my number months ago. I never gave it to her, but I know she is resourceful, and could find it.


I guess I should add, we chatted on IM a month or so ago. Which I thought I deleted her from, but I guess I just hid her. It was only her asking about a mutual friend who had some serious stuff going on in their life. All I did there, was inform her what was going on and left it at that.


I guess what I want to know is what could be her possible reasons for calling?


Other details, together 5.5 years. Last year LD. She's in her late 20's, I'm in my late 30's. I stopped trying to get her back in November of last year, been NIC since November, and NC since March. Until the IM convo.


If you can help, please do.

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I mean I cant really speak for her. But I think it went down real bad.


I found out she started talking to another gut a few weeks before she broke it off. She claims nothing happened, but I know they were talking A LOT. He was a pro sports dude in his early 20's.... She said she didn't respect me, could do better.... Ummm, would tell me she wanted to work it out, then when I bit, she would say, I meant as friends.... That's really just a couple. I don't know though, most of our mutual friends think it went down pretty bad too.


As for just seeing how I'm doing. Why call from a blocked number? Why not just the IM, I didn't delete her? Why not email? The call is just very odd, to say the least.

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Thanks for your responses.


I know I shouldn't think about it. I'm posting on here, because I haven't spoken of her to my friends since February. I just wanted an opinion.



Honestly, I'm only 90% sure it was her. It just made me start thinking about her. Which isn't a good thing. What I really think is, I don't want her back. My ego just wants her to want me back. Make sense? If so, how do I fix it?

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