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Cannot find will to ask out a good friend

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I have/ad a similar problem, but school's out for the summer for me. I have the girl's e-mail address cause she was on this forwarded e-mail I got, but since she didn't give it to me, I don't feel right in e-mailing her. She's also on a whole other continent right now for the summer, so I can't even randomly bump into her.


This girl is naturally hyper, but then she also likes to goto starbucks each morning before school to add to it. She's just always full of energy. She doesn't strike people as the most cleaver, but she can surprize them as I have found out. She seem like a dumb blond(though not actually blond), but when you least expect it, bang she comes up with a solution for something the smartest of us in the class couldn't see becuase we were too far outside the box or too far in. She looks great, and has a good personality, but I just never really saw her in a "romantic light", until like the last month of school.

She was the closest thing I have ever had to a friend. She was just about the only person who would consistantly say hi to me each morning, and practically the only person I felt comfortable saying "hi" to without the other person first saying it. She was the only person I felt comfortable touching(like her arm, her shoulders, her back, etc), and she was practially the only person who would even touch me. In 7th period(last month of school) when we had to pick our own groups for our last class projects, she wanted me in her group twice(I didn't mind, it was an all-girl group 'cept me). We would sometimes play around.


Most people would take that behavior(and some others I didn't mention) to mean she liked me, I wish I could take it that way, but for some reason I just can't contemplate a girl even liking me in that way. Maybe cause I have a low image of myself and think of her as too good for me.


If your looking for some kind fo advice, the best I can recommened is just asking her to hangout after school.

If you can easily talk to her, just bring up movies you want to see, see which ones she wants to see, if there's at least one in common ask her to go see it with other friends, hers and yours.

If not movies, maybe the local amusement park. Maybe there's a band you both like and you happen to have some extra ticket or two cause your pal's parents deicided to goto Orlando for a week.

With friends there, there's no real "date" pressure, just hanging out with friends. Maybe after that you can make other plans, and progress to "on-one" dating.

Even if it turns out she can't be your girlfriend for whatever reason, your "good friend" might be able to become your "best friend".


I don't know if that's good advice or not, it's almost 6am and I still have slept yet.


best of luck on whatever you do. As I said at the start of the post, i am/was in a similar situation(seeing as I can't talk to or see the girl since she's miles and miles away right now).

Hopefully at least one of us can get that hyper girl we like.

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She's a good friend, right? And you're comfortable with her, right? I suggest just asking her to hang out. Friends hang out. I don't know many friends that turn down an invitation to just hang out. Then, if you're meant to have a romantic relationship, that'll come later. So just find common ground and do something you both like to do!

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so what u mean is sit down have a joint and make out


uh??? where did you get that from just ask her to hang out? I dont understand why you would think drugs are needed in order to do anything in life. Basically what you are saying you want to do is take advantage of her.

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