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My friend was attacking me and my ex...

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Hello People,


So I broke NC to send my ex my final email (plz see my other thread if you are interested,) last night, and it WAS emotionally exhausting. After that I felt like I am at the beginning of my new life, refreshing, yet scary.


I mean, throwing all my load off to my ex was a big decision to make, and even though I waited till I was completely ready for it that didn't mean it was a piece of p**s.


So I just wanted to keep my spirit high and strong. Got up this morning feeling good, went to work. It was a busy day, and by the end I was DRAINED. I needed to lift my mood!


Then I was chatting to a girl at work who knew of my story, and she asked,


"Has he replied?"


I said he is a game player and so he won't reply right away, as I NC-ed him for 3 wks. Plus he is very emotionally reserved.


THEN she started to rant the following;

"Oh, I think you were used by him, you were the easy prey."

"I think he had another girlfriend. You were his #2!"


I said that's absurd, he is not like that (why am I defending a guy who left me?), then she said,

"But he left you for such small reasons, he is so cold. He did that because it was you."


I was practically screaming at her to stop, yet she goes on,

"He will be so nice to the next girl he dates."


What??????? OMG!!!!!!!!


I then started to explain that I think he has fear of commitment and he will always have issues with anyone, it was NOT my fault that he ran,


"No, I think he will completely change for the next girl."


I was pretty much shouting at her to stop, and this all happened while I was giving her a lift.


Why would anyone say those horrible, accusations on someone who she never met, except to hurt ME??


I just couldn't believe it. I was so upset after I got rid of her at hers. I came back home and cried. My, I don't need this.


Why would anyone do this, why, why?

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Something is severely wrong there. Maybe she was having a bad day and took it out on you? Maybe she has some mental illness you're not privy to? Maybe she is just a horrible person? Who knows? (She sounds like a nut to me, really)


All I know, is that I'm not sure I'd be talking to her for awhile. I mean, those are things you just don't tell a heartbroken soul. You did not deserve that at all.


Don't listen to her. Her words came from a bad place within her and likely has no validity.

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Thank you for your kind words,

She doesn't have any mental illness (maybe some eating disorder, but everyone has self-image issues,) and everyone at my work loves her, she is supposed to be the level-headed one. But I think she never had good relationship with men before she met her hubby. Like she had a sugar daddy for years, and then was involved with a married boss etc.


It was like her telling me,

"ha-ha, you idiot, you let it all happen!"

Does she hate me or what?



Thank you. As much as I hate to defend my ex he was a sincere, caring guy who would never even look at another girl. There is absolutely no validity in her "theory".


I will never do anything like this to a broken heat, never.

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what a dreadful hurtful way to speak to you.


and she's meant to be your friend?


jesus, i can't imagine how she must speak to her enemies then.


i'm sorry you had to listen to her garbage when you were most probably feeling sensitive and needed a bit of support.

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