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People will freak you out & make you feel insecure all at once. How to deal? Noo idea.





today i went swimming with a group of girls..

one of who i'm good friends with, another girl was her sister..

and then her sister's friends. I enjoyed the company, haven't been around so many girls at once in a looong time. Beautiful girls, from what i could see they were all basically flawless, making me feel the more insecure [as i already am..the skinniest & tannest of the bunch, i def. stand out]


Pretty girls they were, and yet the things that flew out of their mouths kind of shocked me

& then everyone got naked, revealing all types of peircings & tattoos.. questioned me why i didn't have any.. then tried forcing me to take it all off.


[ hahahaha i'm laughing now because i think it's hilarious and stupid, but at the moment, not so much. my face must have been ridiculous


such pretty girls with faces of angels...

and yet dirty mouths, dirty minds.. and questionable intentions did not evade them.

i don't think i've ever felt so uncomfortable...

it's no wonder i don't have many female friends,

the world has changed since i was younger.





& yet, deep down inside, although i know i shouldn't be ashamed of being conservative..

i can't help but feel like such a prude.

never thought i'd see the day =X


i wonder if i'm conservative out of respect for my boyfriend, mother and myself.. or

because i'm so insecure. Maybe, it's all of the above.

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