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I am 14 turning 15 in july i want to date is it too early?

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so iam 14 turning 15. i havent had a date should have had one. i mean i want to ask a girl out but i cant because iam to shy. of course.

i mean it feels in my house like it felt when i was 10 the same little kid feeling. my brother who is 13 has gone to dances not gone out with a girl but is more out going then me. my dad who was a kid in the 60s when out in 7th grade. so although they dont say why dont you have a girl yet. it just feels like thats what there saying inside. i dont live in a neighborhood and dont have too many friends. so its like iam always at home or summer school. its like wow. i want to know is 14 turning 15 soon to early for a date. and how do i go about asking the worlds most shy est girl out to the moives. she is so shy but when she is with her friends which are sort of the unpopular girls she smiles beautifully and she is someone who is smart and great looking. i have never had the feeling a girl likes me because i cant tell. but i wish i could. i only fear the word no. i mean how do i walk away from that. ANY HELP ON TOSE QUESTIONS

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Ok, from what your saying I seems that you like this girl a lot and you think cos your other siblings and family members dated a litlle early in their teens or childhood that you should too. Well the first thing is to remember is that you've still got a lot of growing up to do, your only 15! I wasn't even thinking about girls at that time (I'm 20 now) but I guess that we're all different.

Another thing you say is about fearing the word 'no'? The only person you should fear is yourself, embrace and appreciated all the good things that you've done. Further to that, If you want to really make an impact on the girl, you need to spend time with her and get to know her better.

By this I don't mean throw yourself onto her, but more start to appreciate the little things about her, like her hair for instance and tell her you like the dress or clothes that's she's wearing.

Make her feel wanted, if you can do all of this and a little more, then you stand a good chance...



Good luck!

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Are u trying to ask out that single asian girl u were talking about earlier ?


14/15 isnt too early to go out with a girl. Its too early to get really physical (e.g. sex) in my opinion, but thats not your intention right now by the sounds of it, u just want a gf, thats perfectly normal. Im sure your mum and dad dont mind that u don't have a gf, perhaps they want u to see a girl to cheer u up?


Asking out the shyest girl isn't the problem. The problem comes about when your the shyest person , thats when it gets difficult, and rejection hurts most.


Don't worry that u may get rejected, we have all been there. Not every girl in the world will fancy u, but there will be many who do. good luck

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I seriously doubt your parents are wondering why you don't have a girl yet. If anything, your parents are probably singing for joy that you don't have one. There are so many things parents worry about when their child starts to date. Will he get hurt? Will he try to have sex with her (it's only human, so don't worry)? There's lots of worrisome things about a 15 year old son dating.


At the same time, I'm sure they wont hold you back if you do date someone. It's definently not to early. Only thing that sucks is that your parents have to drive you wherever you want to go. But hey, you've only got another year till your 16!


Ok, back to your main question. The only way to become a more confident person is to put yourself in the situations that test your confidence. And you will never know what could be if you don't make an attempt. So go for it! Ask her to come hang out with you and your friends. That way if things arent going well, at least you'll have someone else to talk to.


Good luck!

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Hum interesting


Well for your first question, the only person that can truly answer that one is YOU, and only YOU. If you feel that you are ready, for dating they you are, if not you can wait until you do feel that you are (Hay I'm 17 going on 18 and still haven't gone on a date.) So it is up to you when you are ready to date do remember though the amount of responsibility dating has, you not just playing around with some ones head, but the hart witch is fragile. Also don't let others actions decide what you do, it doesn't mater what others have done and what age your are you. But keep in mind your parent's rules on this. From what you a posted it seems they are cool with it. But to be sure ask them.


You fear the word no, that some times is not easy to walk away from, but there is a quote that one of the members on this site had that I keep in mind to help me. "Tell them that you love them, and they may break your hart. Don't tell them that you love them, and you just broke theirs" If she says not then she says no, the best thing that you can do it get back up and go on.


The age old question of how to ask the worlds shyest girl out, well you partly answered that your self. See you said "…she is so shy but when she is with her friends… …she smiles beautifully and she is someone who is…" The answer is become her friend, see if you do that she will be more confinable with you, than if you didn't, and the other benefit is you will learn more about her, like maybe what type of move she like to watch.


Good luck to you


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