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Broke NC

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Thats okay


You live and you learn - remember how you feel right now. Remember that the next time you have the urge to do that again


Thank you for that I definitely will I guess life doesn't come with instructions just gotta learn through mistakes

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I did that on Friday too.


Ridiculous. I said: "Hey just wanted to tell you I miss you".


And he replies: "I miss you too!!"


And we hangout on Saturday at a friend's going away party and is all cuddly and cute with me... and then... back at being cold and distant.


Well isn't this great?

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Why do you think it ruined his day? I am sure it stroke my ex's ego...


Because the break up wasn't really what he wanted he was influenced by some crazy people lol and he is turning into them himself. It's all apparently God's plan for him and those people. And if your pain strokes his ego he is not worth your time at all.

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