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Love or Money (ladies)

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Man with no money but love. I wouldn't even think twice about that question. Money does not make you happy. It gives you everything you could want, but you still won't be happy having a nice car or a huge house. I really believe that the only things in life that you need are obviously food, clothing, & shelter, but most of all love. People who don't feel loved are the ones who are most unhappy. People on here even, the ones who are depressed talk about how no one loves or cares for them. Of course everyone is cared for at least by one person, but some just don't realize it. The greatest feeling is knowing that the one person you love the most loves you back. I wouldn't give up feeling loved for anything.

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LOL You women always say this in public. As soon as the audience has gone your all looking for the next guy with a wallet to empty. I've seen it happen, it's happened to me and most of all every woman I know does it.


'Money isn't as important as love' - Yeah right - Give us men a break.


-Turboz - A frequently used Turboz I might add.


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I am glad there are women that search for men with money.


Why? Because it makes me discount them as a future partner instantly.


Thats just the problem - You can't always pick them out. The sweeter and more innocent they are the harder it hurts when you find out that you've been had by another user. Trust No-one.



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Reply to Turboz :


Turboz, please don't generalize. I believe that all the women who have responded are sincere and they should not pay for the sins of others. That is unfair.


However, it is true that most women (I would think, although not sure) look for money and I'll try to explain why :


Most women have been in love and have been dumped. I don't sleep around whatsoever and I have had very good (and very few) relationships with guys, but most of my friends who are "normal", sleep with guys reasonably early in the relationship or too early in the relationship have been rudely dumped by men who only wanted sex.


Men who use women for sex destroy their self-esteem. These women are treated like objects and they eventually perceive their bodies as objects, nice objects that can provide them with all the material stuff they want. These women learn that men are not about love, they would prefer a loving relationship, but they don't believe in men anymore (and there are lots of women like this) so they learn to use men and exploit men. That is it. For them a man becomes a bank machine.


It happened to myself not too long ago : I dated this really nice guy (or so I thought) for about a month without going to his place. We then went to his place and I felt so comfortable with him, he was so nice that I thought I could be myself and display my sexual desires and we had sex, although I NEVER do this, I always wait for a very longtime to see whether the guy is really interested (90% of the guys walk away, by the way, they are not interested in waiting; this is why I had very few good bfs). Any way, we had sex and he then told me that how come I gave in so easily, he said he really likes me but that he feels he could not trust me because I gave in so easily, the first time I went to his place. He is practically calling me a beep. The first thoughts I had about him are : I should have let him take me to more nice restaurants, I should have got him to buy me some stuff before all this happened, in other words I would not feel so bad about myself if I had obtained some material compensation.


This is just a very insignificant experience of a woman who was dumped and treated like a beep. Now, he still calls me a lot but now I am far more hesitant. My friends had so many bad experiences, that now they just use men.


So, every time you guys think that it is not your business if men use women, or every time you take advantage of a woman, you are contributing to the fact that women will eventually use you for money.


I have this older friend (boss) about 50 yrs old and he always complains because his wife (who was sexually abused as a teen) admitted she married him for his money. She uses him big time, spends tons of money, and he always complains about it bitterly. They have a son and he told his son that he could sleep around with girls, as long as he did not get attached to them, (just sleep with them and treat them like objects) until he has a career, a house +++. He told him it is good to get that out of his system. I did not say anything, but I thought then he really deserves to be exploited by his wife who does not love him. He does not see the connection between his callousness towards women and her callousness towards him.

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Ingrid, that guy you dated, whom you were sexual with is a hypocritical boy who doesnt deserve you. He is a typical two faced dirtbag.


These boys, I can not even call them men, cause great pain to women. These women then become bitter, and in turn continue the cycle of pain.

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Turbo you misinterpret me.


Maybe i am being lazy and not expressing myself well.


I do not care if the man is rich or poor. I don't care if we have a dinner of cheese and bread eaten in the park or are dining in a fine dining restaurant. Honestly.


Sorry, I didnt explain the security thing too well. Thanks Michael2 for the defense but I didn't mean relationship security either, although this is also important to me.


The statement about security was not referring to the money which my man has but to money generally.


My quest for personal financial security has nothing to do with the man i am seeing. it is about never letting my children go without. It is about never having to ask, beg or gold dig for money. I don't rely on a man for money i make my own.

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turboz...? just wondering why do you say that...yeah there are some girls who are like that...well a lot actually,.but not everyone is..that is steriotypical...


i would choose the man with no money and has the love..

i have had two serious bf's in my llife and neither would i have ever dated if money was the main thing i wanted...they are both not to good on money at all...in the matter of fact one was extermly poor.

But it doesn't matter to me...i love someone for who they are,not what they have.

but i am familiar with being very poor, so that may help.

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Turboz I don't understand why you are accusing all of us woman of being like that. Yes, some woman are like that, but its quite stereotypical to say that all woman are like that. Some do only care if the guy's wallet is loaded. But the girls that matter don't care only about that. My boyfriend can hardly afford anything other than food. I don't care that he doesn't have a lot of money. I don't care that he can't afford to buy me a diamond necklace (even though I wouldn't wear one anyway). Money is not a problem for me. I mean, obviously if we were living together & we were having a hard time affording the things we need & he wasn't working, then I would be a little upset that he wasn't trying to help support us, but I don't expect him to be the only one doing all the money work. I refuse to let a guy buy all the things I need. I want to be independent. Especially lately, my boyfriend has been getting low on money since his job isn't paying too well, but I still love him as much as I did the first day I met him. I would much rather be in love than be rich. I even took my boyfriend out to lunch today. He paid nothing & I don't expect anything in return because I had a great time just being with him!

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I'm sorry for whatever may have happened with you & girls in the past blueteeth123 , but you shouldn't be stereotyping all girls. Its not fair to us. I'm sorry that you have given up, but maybe you start looking for nice girls, like the ones on this forum, who aren't all about money. I think it will be kind of easy to tell which girls are in it for the money. If they are always asking you to buy them things, then thats a sign they just care about money. Yes money is important if your living together & bills need to be paid, of course you'll need money for that. I wouldn't make my boyfriend pay for everything though, I would have a job too & help pay for things too. If I had to choose between spending the rest of my life with my boyfriend & a million dollars, I would choose my boyfriend. Its ok if you don't believe that, but hopefully one day you meet a nice girl who wouldn't dream of using you for money & then you will understand. Until then I think you owe everyone on this forum an apology because your post was very rude. I think you especially owe turboz an apology. Just because his opinion is different than yours doesn't give you any right to speak to him or anyone like that.

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Two sides-2 problems: Money cannot buy love, it's a fact. However, love w/o money can be a real struggle b/t 2 people. The reality is,money makes life a whole lot easier.


If it was an ideal world Then, we would have true love & just enough money to have whatever we wanted (house, vacation, end world hunger, etc...)


Money is not just selfish, but i would help the less priveleged if i were married to a rich man...then again I'm only 23, maybe I can become a self made millionaire or billionaire--if my book deal goes through smoothly


Sorry, had to add that- don't take this post seriously. Just thinking out loud

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